Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sometimes it takes a while to understand...

In the past whenever my friends comment that they would rather live in other countries then Singapore, I would always think secretly that, " these people don't have an idea how lucky they are, to call Singapore their home..." we are safe here, from natural disasters, have a high standard of living, modern, etc etc .... ok, u can call me patriotic, but I just think it's not right to abandon the society that moulds, educate and feeds you ...

But these few nights after I have just returned from Switzerland, I have been having some weird thoughts in my mind... and some feelings that I actually missed living in Switzerland. It's a big country, great culture, great people, super high standard of living, safe society, fresh air, lots of mountains, lots to lakes, rivers, super clear water that you can just jump into anytime... it's sometime like my hometown but lots more!! there's so so so much to do and see... and people really do have a life.... they don't work as hard as we do, ok, maybe that's something we can be proud of; but they spend lots of quality time with their loved ones and themselves! Traveling within the country itself alone is sufficient to fill your itinerary for the whole year or more!

Ok, i did not understand why some wants so badly to leave this small island and seek better pastures elsewhere ... but now I do... and it has certainly planted a little thought in my mind...

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