Saturday, July 29, 2006

Somethings sweet n simple

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I
am when I am
with you..

No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is,
won't make you

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them
to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right
one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.

Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"Manure" (Believe it nor not?)

In the 16th and 17th centuries, everything had to be transported by ship. It was also before the invention of commercial fertilizer, so large shipments of manure were common. It was shipped dry, because in dry form it weighed a lot less than when wet, but once water (at sea) hit it, it not only became heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, of which a by-product is methane gas.

As the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you could see what would (and did) happen. Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern, BOOOOM!

Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was determined just what was happening. After that, the bundles of manure were always stamped with the term "Ship High In Transit" on them, which meant the sailors should stow it high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not come in contact with this volatile cargo and start the production of methane.

Thus evolved the colloquialism for manure as we know it today having come down through the centuries.

You probably did not know the true history of this word. Neither did I - I always thought it was a golf term!

Source :-

Shipping Manure: By Albert Lee

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Help is here!

Have you ever been stalked, watched or pursued relentlessly by a guy you've already rejected? Shudder nervously everytime your cellphone rings thinking that it might be him?

Fret no more!

The Creep Fixers are here!!

The following items are extremely effective in your quest to shake that creep off:

1) Fake Armpit Hair (comes in lengths of 30 cm, 2 meters and 10Metres. Currently only blond hairs are in stock, we'd be bringing in red, brown and white later on)

2)Vomit flavoured Mouthwash-human noses can detect your breath 10 meters away.

3)Long Rubber Sticks- You put this in your pants to create the illusion that you're not entirely female. (Apologies to those who take offence at our squemishness in using sexual terms. As this is a family friendly site, we try as far as possible not to lead any kids astray. )

4)Chest hair-These are authentic hairs from famous male celebrities: Brown: Jake Gyllenhaal and George Clooney. Blond: Heath Ledger. (Disclaimer: No celebrities were harmed during the process of procuring the hairs. )

5)Durian Scented Perfume: Perfume made from genuine D24 durians from Malaysia, tastes as good as it smells!

Call us!
You won't regret it!