Saturday, June 11, 2005

Warszawa (Warsaw)

Ever had the feeling when you can literally feel your heart smiling....that is such a special feeling and it is this feeling I got when I made my acquitance with dear charming Warszawa and the friendly, charming Polish people.

it all got on a good start: me, a petite Chinese gal carrying a very very big backpack struggling to find my way to the city center and my hostel, eager to start exploring the city. That made my first encounter with the charismatic bus driver with his shinny deep blue eyes, grinning apologetically when the only English he could managed was " Bus 175"... so apparently the hostel had given wrong instructions or maybe it was just some confusion...either or I was directed to bus 175 where on board a lovely old lady was so happy to be able to help me and probably also to practise her English. =) She was a lovely old woman who was not over chatty and not too sullen and she left me her number just in case anything happens...sweet..

The most lovely thing and must visit is the Old Town area...this place was actually badly bombed during the Second World War, (as you will know, Poland suffered greatly in the second war world) and the whole place had actually been painstakingly remade, recreated by the Polish people. and it is amazingly well done...The walls were even slightly blackish and paint slightly cracked...

Steping in that part of Warsaw, I started to enjoy my solitude, the quietness of the cobbled streets and the unexpected turns into quaint alleys, the sunlit Old town Square, I was so happy that I decided to upped my happiness factor by buying myself ice -cream =) Yes, just small things can make me happy sometimes and it brings such delight when you discover them and is able to savour their simplicity and pure beauty. I found myself sitting on the bench obesvering the mannerisms of pigeons and that made me happy as well... finally i felt at peace being by myself and enjoying the small treats of life that somtimes just pass us by and I was glad I was alone such that I can have the slience to listen to the horse shoes clicked on the cobbled stones; feel the sunlight graze my face and smile at every unsuspecting person that walked pass ( and believe me people stared so blantly at me, this lone Chinese gal...else everyone is White)... I love Warszawa... and the next time I hope I will come with good company...sometimes beauty have to be shared and that will only enhance the experience...

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