Thursday, June 30, 2005

my list of ten things

as we have spoke in the cafe yesterday, we thought to come up with a list of ten things that makes us smile/happy...I was about to write something last night but horrors! I had a huge huge writer's block.

I don't know if it is the hot and humid weather here or the books I have been reading...

But here goes

Things that make me smile:

1. Looking out at a sky full of twinkling stars when all around is slient

2. Hugs from people who care

3. Someone playing my favourite song on the guitar

4. Lying down on soft green grass on a summer day

5. Knowing that you have made someone else happy

6. Doing crazy things like rolling on the grass, walking in the rain without caring if ' adults dun do things like that'

7. Seeing others do these crazy things

8. Remembering the sweet stuff that Terry has done for me

9. Walking barefoot

10. Suddenly keeping quiet and hearing the chirping of birds in the distant (usually when u are out in the nature, this happens)

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