Thursday, November 24, 2005


wow. I have never been able to be so succinct about my existence before.

First paper on Monday. And I haven't even touched it. It will be a hectic 3 days from now man.....

AND my nose has decided to start working up today, of all days. Hence I am officially sick. Nose dribbling, eyes tearing, trying my damnedest to cram info into my head.

i would love to just sleep it off. But no - i dont have the luxury of time. My best friend is now panadol cold... vitamin C tabltes, anything that can stop this misery... *sniff* *dribble*

And now back to my books... I hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and I hope even more that the lights are not coming from the front of a train.... hahahahah....

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