Tuesday, September 06, 2005

walking stars

I have to take a long walk from the station to the office every morning ... most of the time, i'm running late so i would be busy pacing the people. But today, i woke up feeling very fresh and i have washed my hair in the morning so i really smell goody good haha ... then i decided, heck the morning meeting, i'm going to take a stroll, take my time ... walk slowly and watch the crowd zoom past me...

Some people walk and read, these are those who try hard to walk very fast and yet can't bear to put down their copy of "Today", thus they end up jamming the walkway or they are smart enough to stick to the side of the corridor. Some poor ladies obviously have problems with their shoes, sometimes i do as well... they try to walk very fast while maintaining their balance so so they end up dragging their feet, and sometimes it's a bit "penguin style" than grace...

Today I saw a classic case. This guy walking just in front of me... very big and tall ... he practically blocked my whole front view. Then I noticed sometime very cute about him... yup, he's trying to walk fast as well, and i think i could hear slight panting ... but above all these, he's got this rhythmic action of opening and closing his fingers, like what we do when we sang :twinkle twinkle little star " when we were kids.... so i named him the "Walking Star" today!

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