Wednesday, September 28, 2005

time flies by likea ride on the �V����

It�fs simply amazing how time slips past my fingers just like that. For the first time, I realized how soon it is that I will leave for cooler climate. I am a selective procrastinator; at times I can and do enjoy the fruits of efficiency. Yet at times I just leave things 4 the last moments. For the thrill of it.

Recently, I hate sleeping. (Which explains those loathsome fine lines appearing under my eyes and their relentless multiplication)

I hate sleeping simply because it will reduce the time I will have left for other more worthy pursuits. E.g. spending time with family and friends, learning Dutch, reading, spending time people-watching, blogging, playing badminton, studying, researching on my course materials and dreaded thesis... and of course boring but absolutely necessary stuff like finding accommodation and buying air tickets. Of course many other things that I cant possibly do now in Singapore: salsa lessons, black and white photography etc.

I am Miss 101 -things -I -wanna -do!

Most of all, today I was very touched when Cheeky told me that she will miss me. I need 100+ Kg of luggage... to squeeze all five of u great friends into my baggage ...

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