Tuesday, March 29, 2005


"Im sorry...I cant help myself..Im so ashamed of myself and my nose hair"

Johnny looked at her and felt a wave of sympathy washed over him. The angel in him urged him to walk over and give her a hug, but the stranger in him held in back. After all, who was he to console her? He was the most handsome man on Earth; he had no idea what it felt like to be ugly. Consolation from him would hinge on arrogance and insensitivity.

As she looked up, her eyes were brimming with tears. He had never seen eyes as big and beautiful as hers. They were as large as durians and he loved durians.

Overwhelmed, he rushed over to her, wanting to hold her tight in his arms. Unfortunately, another gust of wind blew, lifted the soggy nose hair high in the air, and knocked Johnny senseless.

As he drifted into unconsciousness...

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