Tuesday, August 09, 2005

the magic of Willy Wonka and his chocolate factory

Roald Dahl have special place in my childhood; alongside with Enid Blyton, Nancy Drew and yes i have to admit, Sweet Valley Twins... but Roald Dahl is way above them, top of the list, with wonderful quirky creations like Matilda with her supernatural powers; James and his bug pals living in a giant peach; witches that hate kids and wanna turn them into mice and of course not forgetting dear ole endearing Charlie and the mysterious Willy Wonka with all his wonderful candies. I never looked at candy in the same way after reading that book - what's with chewing gum that can taste like three meals, invisible chocolate to eat in class without your teacher knowing and gobstopper that will never finish. According to my dad, it was the first Roald Dahl book, he had us read at the very tender age of eight. No wonder I can be full of strange notions sometimes- the seed has been planted from young.

Watching the movie now would be like revisiting a very special part of my childhood, where I would be holed up on my bed, leaning against my cupboard sitting on the floor or even eating and reading his books at the same time. Those old feelings like familiar smells always bring a certain nostalgia, of a time from long ago. And big big plus point: Johnny Depp..!

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