Tuesday, January 24, 2006

one reason why kids make me smile

Below is a little play that has been conjured up by my little sister and her friends.
Speak the truth

Mr Mee: Goody
Narrator: My sister
Mr Faizan: Shafiq
Good: Neo Min or Kanishk
Bad: Neo Min or Kanishk

N: After a few months of studying it was finally the day of our SA2 exams. Today, Mr Faizan is the invigilator for class 5/Z. Surprisingly only two of the students came for the exam, Goody and Baddy.
G: Ooh! Today I am so anxious for I have the confidence of having 100 marks, since I have been studying for 20 hours a day.
N: And it was true
Baddy: Oh my god! I forget to study. But anyway I always have 0n mark for my exam And my parents are so ir……ri….ting they always want me to study study study and that Goody is so proud. I and sure that I can beat her. Huh!
N: Mr Faizan came
MF: Good morning class
G and B:
Good morning Mr faizan
MF: please take a seat and I will give out the exam paper
N: Mr. Faizan gave out the paper and written on the board the test will be from 1.45pm to 3.00 pm.
Mr Faizan: OH MY GOD! Got…… stomachache…. must…. Go…… toilet
N: Mr Faizan ran to the toilet as fast as lighting as the both of them continue their exam paper
B: OMG! I don’t even know a single question I am so going to die. Aye
Since that GOD OO DY is so smart I don’t mind copying paper.
N: And that was what Baddy did. While Baddy was copying, Mr Faizan came back and saw it. But did not want to alarm him so he took a video from his phone and had the whole scene of what was happening. He took a few steps back and he stomped his feet toward the class room. Of course Baddy could hear the sound from far away so he stop copying goody one and he almost fall.
MF: have you two been good boy and girl.
G and B: yes Mr Faizan!
MF: Did any one of you cheat!
G and B: No

N: of course now Baddy face is turning green as he is as he thinks Mr Faizan knows that he was cheating and it’s the truth.
MF: I hope nobody in this class cheats and if you own up you will be given a chance if not prepare for the worst. This time round Mr Faizan knew that Baddy is not going to tell the truth so he gave up. Mr Faizan showed the video to Mr Mee and he called his parents to come over and his punishment was not to watch television for a week in his house and has to pick up the litters around the school for a week or two. I hope Baddy has learnt his lesson.

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