Sunday, May 08, 2005


I disliked people who cry.
Hence I didn't like my crybaby sister.

Crying is for weak people,
People who can't win a fight otherwise.
Crying is a sign of weakness,
that's why boys don't cry.

As I grow older,
crying seems more complex than ever.

People cry when they are touched,
when they are scolded,
when they fall,
when it hurts.

People also cry during sad movies,
during farewells,
during weddings,
during sentimental occasions.

Maybe crying is just a way of releasing that tension,
the same one that threatens to drive you crazy.
But if so, why does the heart hurt so much,
As if it's breaking?

Is it also true that once you break the barrier of crying,
you will never be able to get back on the other side again?
Do you become stronger with this ability to experience life's other extreme,
or do you become weaker as you let your feelings show?

I find it hard to dislike crying now,
When I don't understand it very well,
When I find myself sniffing over a touching tale,
When I let my tears blur my eyes wantonly.

Disclaimer: This does not follow the rules of any poetic forms. These are merely gibberish spun by a girl who cannot sleep at night. For entertainment purposes only.

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