Ever heard of self inflicted emotional bashing?
For the smart alecks out there, its got nothing to do with wife abuse, child abuse or any sorta truama. For the perverts out there, its got nothing to do with private parts or anything sexual.
Its about obsession and evolution.
Ever made a mistake, look back and wonder how stupid you were to commit it? In retrospect the mistake seems so glaring, and huge, like a humogous pimple on smooth shiny skin. and u wonder to yourself: how could i have missed it?
But you did.
And then the worst part starts.
You feel shitty, cos you knew you definitely could do better. (but you didn't!! you made the damn mistake!!) You keep thinking of ways to make things right but somehow you knew, things would always be better if you hadn't commited the mistake in the first place. But of course, wat's done cannot be undone, as both you and Mcbeth found out too late.
Still, despite being very aware that nothing can be done to make things better, you still proceed to think about it, simply because the gene to let go of the past is not ingrained in your DNA. ( Of course you could blame your parents for not imparting it to you; if it makes you feel better. But usually it doesn't. Trust me. So don't try that. And and ain't your parent's fault that you turned out to be a paranoid obsessive freak. So you don't have anyone to blame but yourself. And that's the truth. )
People like you lose out. Because emotional bashing wears you out.
As the theory of evolution goes, only the fittest survive.
So quit thinking, and do something to keep your mind off things.
Do stuff like blogging, its actually feels fun to think that the world gives a shit about your problems; singing in the shower helps, cos you could enjoy yourself and torture others at the same time.
Yeah so there. Hope that I have helped in anyway in your silly pathetic lives.
PS: To anyone out there who gives a damn: If I do sound like an obsessive, paranoid, depressive, schizoprehnic freak who deserves to be institutionalised, BINGO! You hit the jackpot! KAching!!! You're right! I am!!!!
There, I feel much better now. Have a good night. Now back to my pitiful existence as an all rounded loser.