The reason for this punishing schedule? Takuya Kimura. Hence the title of this blog. The problem was: I started watching 'Pride' (starring Takuya Kimura..... ta-ku-ya! ta-ku-ya! ta-ku-ya!.. eh.. er-hem *Puffy composes herself*) on tuesday night.... through till Wednesday morning 7am.... slept till the day was almost done.... before I panicked in the evening.
I can't believe the addiction. I am not supposed to go ga-ga at my grand old age of 23 years. Such behaviour at this age should be outlawed. I am like, 7 years too late. But let me show you nevertheless....
My GAWD he is SO sexy..... *Puffy pinches herself really HARD* Snap out of it!
ouch! .......But yeah - you get the drfit..... it's so girly I can't stand myself. Where art thou, thy mature, self-assured and confident self???? And he's like... not even real. Oh well, but not as if I will have time for such decadence once work starts... so.... I think I will just let it be...*Yippee!!*
Anyway... on to less bimbo-ish stuffs.
I realize that I kinda consistently check in here once every week or 2 weeks... hehe.. dunno why.. just can't seem to get regular with blogging. It was the same thing with my LiveJournal. Well... guess it just seems a little wasteful to live your life twice by talking about what you did after you did it, unless it was meaningful or something. And I am lazy about it.
Read Fishy's super long blog about 2 weeks back. Had a sense of deja vu. Were you the one who told me once, long long ago, that we are quite similar in some ways? I dunno - I do that too - I mean, like I need to work out a problem before I can talk about it. Especially so when I get upset with Ed. He will be begging me to tell him what's wrong and I will just tell him to leave me alone.
Perhaps it has something to do with the sense of pride and self-worth associated with the successful modern female. The need to be strong, resilient and happy, and to be able to have the ability to achieve that on your own. You don't want to talk about it if talking doesn't help the situation. Or maybe it is just too painful to go through everything twice.
But I have learnt over time that talking about it helps - although it may make you re-live the pain, it could help you release some of it. Don't underestimate the practically unhelpful but emotionally releasing female support. :)
Anyways, this is longer than I expected it to be already, so I shall save the rest of another time.
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