Today I went to the university for the first time. It is located in a very nice part of Rotterdam call the Kralingen district and I had really wished to get a place there but it was too much cost. Anyhow, I love the home that I have right now. A Dutch friend of mine who saw the photos thought I was living in that district, so I guess that's not too bad then. ;p
Saw a few of my class mates today and they were all pretty surprised that we seem to have gotten around much already. I guess this is the fruit of trying to sort things out ourselves. Actually, the university will have pretty much helped us to sort some admin stuff but we did not know about that so we tried and did things by ourselves. More complicated but much more fulfilling to try things out for yourself. For eg, people were surprised that we already got our bicycles and at a very good price. So yep I felt a little proud of my "achievements" and guess that can compensated for the long tiring walks and cycling and dealing with admin matters.
School is starting soon, next week in fact and horrors of horrors, each ride to uni takes 35 minutes. So basically each day I have slightly more than an hour cycling to do. Well but I am not complaining, my Landlord cycles to work everyday and work is at a village about 12 km away. He is already 55 , so why should a 23 year old young and healthy gal bitch about? Except the possibility of thunder thighs ...*shudders*
Enuff of my rantings, but I guess I will not have the chance to write too often when school starts. So bear with me and my verbal diarrhoea yah? heh
Friday, November 04, 2005
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