Today I slept till 12 while he went to school. Then we went to this place called Park Place which is a shopping centre on top of a mountain, right opposite Big Eye (the stadium built for World Cup).
The place is quite modern, with lots of shops selling stuff for mothers, children and dogs. It kinda of reminded me of Kobe with its thematic shops and modern architecture.
Spent a lazy afternoon strolling and shopping. Then ended the day eating pasta at this cozy Wine Cafe. I had a piece of Caramel cheesecake, pretty nice I say.
Looking forward to tomorrow for I shall visit this famous hot spring whose name I cannot remember (haha).
Oh, I forgot to mention, yesterday we went to this Beppu park where there was a huge harvest celebration. Naturally, we then tested lots of juicy pears, mandarin oranges, and even honey combs... Saw many performances too as there was a dance competition. It's amazing how kids as young as age 3-5 can hold their place on the huge stage as well. The night ended with a mini feast of Ma La Huo Guo and Negotiator.
Monday, October 31, 2005
lots of stories...lots of walking...lots of cycling...hope i dun get thunder thighs
sorry gal to not keep updated on the blog...damsel is in Japan!!!!! how come i din noe abt that? Gosh she must be so happy !!!
yes cheeky, I am very very bz with admin stuff. Been walking and cycling so much that my legs almost fall off.
I am moving in my new place tomorrow! Looking forward to my own pad...pretty nice place, i will take pictures and keep posted as soon as i can!
meanwhile gals take care! miss ya all...continue to have hard, play hard and be the sexy gals u all are!
yes cheeky, I am very very bz with admin stuff. Been walking and cycling so much that my legs almost fall off.
I am moving in my new place tomorrow! Looking forward to my own pad...pretty nice place, i will take pictures and keep posted as soon as i can!
meanwhile gals take care! miss ya all...continue to have hard, play hard and be the sexy gals u all are!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
First day IN Beppu
Hi to all, sending this from the mountains... just arrived and I'm taking in lots ofseas and mountain air already... First impression - lots of old people and hot springs... Let's see if I discover more things in the days to come. Will try to keep you guys updated! Love.
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Where's FNC?
I wonder is our dear Fish n Chips lost in Holland... haven't seen any post from her since her departure... ok, maybe's she's busy w admin stuff... but hope tt she's fine. Just wondering if any of us got the contact number of her new beau...
Aniway, congrats to Damsel coz she's going to Japan!!! to see her beau! Enjoy my dear :)
I so caught up with my orals preparation, guess a lot of stress and pressure are pourng in... will throw a big party to celebrate once it's over..meanwhile, hang in there gals!
Aniway, congrats to Damsel coz she's going to Japan!!! to see her beau! Enjoy my dear :)
I so caught up with my orals preparation, guess a lot of stress and pressure are pourng in... will throw a big party to celebrate once it's over..meanwhile, hang in there gals!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
I Can Breathe At Last!
27 October is a great day. I have finished my last of 3 tutorials this week, sent out the last of my 2 letters to my case management opponent yesterday, handed in my professional responsibility assignment (a 2-day mini-marathon on its own), and concluded a three-week marathon of work!!!!!
PHEW! *Puffy jumps around in joy* The only blitz in the horizon is edu-dine tomorrow. I am planning to go blading and gymming tomorrow afternoon, AND shopping for salsa heels after that... but I've got to chop one off the list otherwise I will never make it on time for edu-dine at 6.30pm.. guess it will be shopping since that is the furtherest away from the others (but i wanna go shopping!!! *whine*)
We'll see.... I shall worry about that tommorrow, but for now.. it's time to reclaim some long over-due nua-time...
PHEW! *Puffy jumps around in joy* The only blitz in the horizon is edu-dine tomorrow. I am planning to go blading and gymming tomorrow afternoon, AND shopping for salsa heels after that... but I've got to chop one off the list otherwise I will never make it on time for edu-dine at 6.30pm.. guess it will be shopping since that is the furtherest away from the others (but i wanna go shopping!!! *whine*)
We'll see.... I shall worry about that tommorrow, but for now.. it's time to reclaim some long over-due nua-time...
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Do Women do not get to the Top because they are Crap???
I read in the Sunday Times today that Neil French - the creative director of the world's second largest advertising firm - is resigning because of the furor he caused by saying that there are very few females holding top spots in the industry by the virtue that they are 'crap'. He also said that they would eventually 'wimp' out and go 'suckle something' (in the context I reasonably presumed that this means they go off to have babies).
He later explained that he had meant to say that women who cannot be committed to this job do not deserve to stay.
That is food for thought isn't it?
This seems to suggest that between having a career and a baby - it is one or the other. How sad.
Ed tried to make the situation seem better by saying that the ppl he admired most are those who can juggle both. But here's the cruel truth - these women are only able to do this because they have very supportive families who are available to baby-sit, and i think these women do not have husbands who are as high-flying as they are.
How can someone be a good, full-time mother and juggle a successful career?
Will I be able to decide to forego my career to bring up kids????!!!
Sigh. I don't wanna have to answer that question...
He later explained that he had meant to say that women who cannot be committed to this job do not deserve to stay.
That is food for thought isn't it?
This seems to suggest that between having a career and a baby - it is one or the other. How sad.
Ed tried to make the situation seem better by saying that the ppl he admired most are those who can juggle both. But here's the cruel truth - these women are only able to do this because they have very supportive families who are available to baby-sit, and i think these women do not have husbands who are as high-flying as they are.
How can someone be a good, full-time mother and juggle a successful career?
Will I be able to decide to forego my career to bring up kids????!!!
Sigh. I don't wanna have to answer that question...
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Weekend update!
Had a pretty eventful weekend I must say - hahaha... did a lot of stuffs!
Firstly, I finally got down to that baking routine I have been trying to psyche myself up for for the longest time! (What can I say, when I am lazy and terribly unmotivated, a lawn-mower wouldn't get me to move....)
That's your recipe Fish n Chips! -- for the carrot cake...hehehe... took me the whole Bl**dy night to do though (with help sommore!) ... 10pm on Friday night till 3++am.... But I baked 2 cakes, so that sorta compensated for the time.... Brought it to my friend's house-warming dinner today. Got compliments all round!! hahaha... that so completely made my day man!!!
Ever played the game called "Taboo" before??? It's like charades, but you have to give verbal clues to your partner to guess a word printed on a card, without using certain clue words.. EG. If the word your team got is "tweezer", and you are not allowed to say eyebrows, pluck, pull, and hair, how would you describe the word?
Some classic clues:
Guess "mad cow disease", clue: when the moo moo(s) get sick
Guess "toilet", clue: it's not on the grass, but where humans poo poo and pee pee.... (er... i never really thought about it that way though)
Imagine - people aatually SAID these things... hahahah
Went to a pot luck dinner party on Sat night with some ppl from class... hahaha... eating events with that bunch always crack me up, hahaha, among other things...
AND I finally got my birthday gift from ED!!!!! It's an armchair! Whee!!! (Of course you can imagine that I am currently languishing on it now.... heh).
Hmm.. it's back to class tom, and more work to hand in for the week... oh well... Guess I am not meant to be able to enjoy life that much after all.....
Firstly, I finally got down to that baking routine I have been trying to psyche myself up for for the longest time! (What can I say, when I am lazy and terribly unmotivated, a lawn-mower wouldn't get me to move....)
That's your recipe Fish n Chips! -- for the carrot cake...hehehe... took me the whole Bl**dy night to do though (with help sommore!) ... 10pm on Friday night till 3++am.... But I baked 2 cakes, so that sorta compensated for the time.... Brought it to my friend's house-warming dinner today. Got compliments all round!! hahaha... that so completely made my day man!!!
Ever played the game called "Taboo" before??? It's like charades, but you have to give verbal clues to your partner to guess a word printed on a card, without using certain clue words.. EG. If the word your team got is "tweezer", and you are not allowed to say eyebrows, pluck, pull, and hair, how would you describe the word?
Some classic clues:
Guess "mad cow disease", clue: when the moo moo(s) get sick
Guess "toilet", clue: it's not on the grass, but where humans poo poo and pee pee.... (er... i never really thought about it that way though)
Imagine - people aatually SAID these things... hahahah
Went to a pot luck dinner party on Sat night with some ppl from class... hahaha... eating events with that bunch always crack me up, hahaha, among other things...
AND I finally got my birthday gift from ED!!!!! It's an armchair! Whee!!! (Of course you can imagine that I am currently languishing on it now.... heh).
Hmm.. it's back to class tom, and more work to hand in for the week... oh well... Guess I am not meant to be able to enjoy life that much after all.....
Rantings of A Tortured Soul
I am but joking. Seriously now.
"My pitiful existence as an all-rounded loser" ??? (refer to previous post)
Now where did THAT come from....
By all means indulge in self-inflicted emotional bashing if you have to, if that's what rocks your boat. I understand the human race's occasional perverse inclination towards masochism. You need to feel your soul bleed, you need to hear the cracking sounds of your heart breaking, you need to feel so lousy about yourself that you need to look UP to see the eyes of the ant crawling on the floor - heard of people being down in the dumps? You think you need to look UP to see the dumps.
It is very hard indeed to let go of the past, sometimes you manage to do it, sometimes you don't. Hence the need to set a limit to the time you allow yourself to wallow in crippling self-pity, so that you can resume living in the present. Find things to be happy about - something else you did right. Something good that came out of the mistake. And allow time to dull the pain of a previous mistake.
To end off, I quote: "Yeah so there. Hope that I have helped in anyway in your silly pathetic lives."
Oh but I beg to differ - I only hope that I have helped people to see the value in their lives worth living.
"My pitiful existence as an all-rounded loser" ??? (refer to previous post)
Now where did THAT come from....
By all means indulge in self-inflicted emotional bashing if you have to, if that's what rocks your boat. I understand the human race's occasional perverse inclination towards masochism. You need to feel your soul bleed, you need to hear the cracking sounds of your heart breaking, you need to feel so lousy about yourself that you need to look UP to see the eyes of the ant crawling on the floor - heard of people being down in the dumps? You think you need to look UP to see the dumps.
It is very hard indeed to let go of the past, sometimes you manage to do it, sometimes you don't. Hence the need to set a limit to the time you allow yourself to wallow in crippling self-pity, so that you can resume living in the present. Find things to be happy about - something else you did right. Something good that came out of the mistake. And allow time to dull the pain of a previous mistake.
To end off, I quote: "Yeah so there. Hope that I have helped in anyway in your silly pathetic lives."
Oh but I beg to differ - I only hope that I have helped people to see the value in their lives worth living.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn
Ever heard of self inflicted emotional bashing?
For the smart alecks out there, its got nothing to do with wife abuse, child abuse or any sorta truama. For the perverts out there, its got nothing to do with private parts or anything sexual.
Its about obsession and evolution.
Ever made a mistake, look back and wonder how stupid you were to commit it? In retrospect the mistake seems so glaring, and huge, like a humogous pimple on smooth shiny skin. and u wonder to yourself: how could i have missed it?
But you did.
And then the worst part starts.
You feel shitty, cos you knew you definitely could do better. (but you didn't!! you made the damn mistake!!) You keep thinking of ways to make things right but somehow you knew, things would always be better if you hadn't commited the mistake in the first place. But of course, wat's done cannot be undone, as both you and Mcbeth found out too late.
Still, despite being very aware that nothing can be done to make things better, you still proceed to think about it, simply because the gene to let go of the past is not ingrained in your DNA. ( Of course you could blame your parents for not imparting it to you; if it makes you feel better. But usually it doesn't. Trust me. So don't try that. And and ain't your parent's fault that you turned out to be a paranoid obsessive freak. So you don't have anyone to blame but yourself. And that's the truth. )
People like you lose out. Because emotional bashing wears you out.
As the theory of evolution goes, only the fittest survive.
So quit thinking, and do something to keep your mind off things.
Do stuff like blogging, its actually feels fun to think that the world gives a shit about your problems; singing in the shower helps, cos you could enjoy yourself and torture others at the same time.
Yeah so there. Hope that I have helped in anyway in your silly pathetic lives.
PS: To anyone out there who gives a damn: If I do sound like an obsessive, paranoid, depressive, schizoprehnic freak who deserves to be institutionalised, BINGO! You hit the jackpot! KAching!!! You're right! I am!!!!
There, I feel much better now. Have a good night. Now back to my pitiful existence as an all rounded loser.
For the smart alecks out there, its got nothing to do with wife abuse, child abuse or any sorta truama. For the perverts out there, its got nothing to do with private parts or anything sexual.
Its about obsession and evolution.
Ever made a mistake, look back and wonder how stupid you were to commit it? In retrospect the mistake seems so glaring, and huge, like a humogous pimple on smooth shiny skin. and u wonder to yourself: how could i have missed it?
But you did.
And then the worst part starts.
You feel shitty, cos you knew you definitely could do better. (but you didn't!! you made the damn mistake!!) You keep thinking of ways to make things right but somehow you knew, things would always be better if you hadn't commited the mistake in the first place. But of course, wat's done cannot be undone, as both you and Mcbeth found out too late.
Still, despite being very aware that nothing can be done to make things better, you still proceed to think about it, simply because the gene to let go of the past is not ingrained in your DNA. ( Of course you could blame your parents for not imparting it to you; if it makes you feel better. But usually it doesn't. Trust me. So don't try that. And and ain't your parent's fault that you turned out to be a paranoid obsessive freak. So you don't have anyone to blame but yourself. And that's the truth. )
People like you lose out. Because emotional bashing wears you out.
As the theory of evolution goes, only the fittest survive.
So quit thinking, and do something to keep your mind off things.
Do stuff like blogging, its actually feels fun to think that the world gives a shit about your problems; singing in the shower helps, cos you could enjoy yourself and torture others at the same time.
Yeah so there. Hope that I have helped in anyway in your silly pathetic lives.
PS: To anyone out there who gives a damn: If I do sound like an obsessive, paranoid, depressive, schizoprehnic freak who deserves to be institutionalised, BINGO! You hit the jackpot! KAching!!! You're right! I am!!!!
There, I feel much better now. Have a good night. Now back to my pitiful existence as an all rounded loser.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
I Think I Am a Closet Bimbo... and some other less remarkable news
Just had a harrowing week... finally handed in my last piece of assignment late this afternoon - a 12 page homework that took me from 9pm yesterday(Wed) till 4pm this afternoon straight to finish (with 3 hours of sleep in between). You cannot imagine the immense relief.
The reason for this punishing schedule? Takuya Kimura. Hence the title of this blog. The problem was: I started watching 'Pride' (starring Takuya Kimura..... ta-ku-ya! ta-ku-ya! ta-ku-ya!.. eh.. er-hem *Puffy composes herself*) on tuesday night.... through till Wednesday morning 7am.... slept till the day was almost done.... before I panicked in the evening.
I can't believe the addiction. I am not supposed to go ga-ga at my grand old age of 23 years. Such behaviour at this age should be outlawed. I am like, 7 years too late. But let me show you nevertheless....

My GAWD he is SO sexy..... *Puffy pinches herself really HARD* Snap out of it!
ouch! .......But yeah - you get the drfit..... it's so girly I can't stand myself. Where art thou, thy mature, self-assured and confident self???? And he's like... not even real. Oh well, but not as if I will have time for such decadence once work starts... so.... I think I will just let it be...*Yippee!!*

Anyway... on to less bimbo-ish stuffs.
I realize that I kinda consistently check in here once every week or 2 weeks... hehe.. dunno why.. just can't seem to get regular with blogging. It was the same thing with my LiveJournal. Well... guess it just seems a little wasteful to live your life twice by talking about what you did after you did it, unless it was meaningful or something. And I am lazy about it.
Read Fishy's super long blog about 2 weeks back. Had a sense of deja vu. Were you the one who told me once, long long ago, that we are quite similar in some ways? I dunno - I do that too - I mean, like I need to work out a problem before I can talk about it. Especially so when I get upset with Ed. He will be begging me to tell him what's wrong and I will just tell him to leave me alone.
Perhaps it has something to do with the sense of pride and self-worth associated with the successful modern female. The need to be strong, resilient and happy, and to be able to have the ability to achieve that on your own. You don't want to talk about it if talking doesn't help the situation. Or maybe it is just too painful to go through everything twice.
But I have learnt over time that talking about it helps - although it may make you re-live the pain, it could help you release some of it. Don't underestimate the practically unhelpful but emotionally releasing female support. :)
Anyways, this is longer than I expected it to be already, so I shall save the rest of another time.
The reason for this punishing schedule? Takuya Kimura. Hence the title of this blog. The problem was: I started watching 'Pride' (starring Takuya Kimura..... ta-ku-ya! ta-ku-ya! ta-ku-ya!.. eh.. er-hem *Puffy composes herself*) on tuesday night.... through till Wednesday morning 7am.... slept till the day was almost done.... before I panicked in the evening.
I can't believe the addiction. I am not supposed to go ga-ga at my grand old age of 23 years. Such behaviour at this age should be outlawed. I am like, 7 years too late. But let me show you nevertheless....
My GAWD he is SO sexy..... *Puffy pinches herself really HARD* Snap out of it!
ouch! .......But yeah - you get the drfit..... it's so girly I can't stand myself. Where art thou, thy mature, self-assured and confident self???? And he's like... not even real. Oh well, but not as if I will have time for such decadence once work starts... so.... I think I will just let it be...*Yippee!!*
Anyway... on to less bimbo-ish stuffs.
I realize that I kinda consistently check in here once every week or 2 weeks... hehe.. dunno why.. just can't seem to get regular with blogging. It was the same thing with my LiveJournal. Well... guess it just seems a little wasteful to live your life twice by talking about what you did after you did it, unless it was meaningful or something. And I am lazy about it.
Read Fishy's super long blog about 2 weeks back. Had a sense of deja vu. Were you the one who told me once, long long ago, that we are quite similar in some ways? I dunno - I do that too - I mean, like I need to work out a problem before I can talk about it. Especially so when I get upset with Ed. He will be begging me to tell him what's wrong and I will just tell him to leave me alone.
Perhaps it has something to do with the sense of pride and self-worth associated with the successful modern female. The need to be strong, resilient and happy, and to be able to have the ability to achieve that on your own. You don't want to talk about it if talking doesn't help the situation. Or maybe it is just too painful to go through everything twice.
But I have learnt over time that talking about it helps - although it may make you re-live the pain, it could help you release some of it. Don't underestimate the practically unhelpful but emotionally releasing female support. :)
Anyways, this is longer than I expected it to be already, so I shall save the rest of another time.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Everytime I sit behind the glass panels in the TCM clinic, I also have a sneaking suspicion that all the people outside me are looking at me and wondering why such a young person believes in TCM ? Isn't it something for the old ?
However, as the old chinese adage goes ... "zhi biao bu zhi ben".. I believe that while Western medicine has the means of curing the immediate symptoms and pains, they have no way of curing the root of the illness. And this is what I feel TCM can do for us.
As the female TCM doctor describes " For Western medicine, there are a few standard types of drugs to cure a certain illness. But for Chinese medicine, we analyse each patient unique body conditions and use different combinations of herbs even for just one kind of illness. " This is her response to me when I asked her why she asked me questions like " Do you fear heat or coldness more?", "Do you fly into temper easily?", " Do you feel thirsty easily?" I wasn't expecting that the prescription for a rash issue would require these details ( I was half fearing she would diagnose me with some new disease) and thus, I had to ask her.
If I am not wrong, say if we have a bacterial infection, the Western medicine used would be antibiotics, and that will kill the bacteria. but for Chinese medicine, how it works is to adjust your "qi" such that it create an environment in your body which is uncondusive for the growth of bacteria. Hence, this problem is not only cured now but also prevented in future.
Hence, my support for TCM is growing. While the huge amt of Western medicine I've taken has failed to cure my monthly flus last year, I have encountered almost no such ailments this year round after going for TCM treatment. In fact, for many problems, such as mentrual related pains and such, it can be more effectively tackled by TCM than Western medicine.
And I recalled I once had pain in my tailbone and cox it's internal, it couldn't be reached or massaged physically. Hence, I went for one very painful session of ba guan and zhen jiu and it actually cured me completely. That must have been the time my trust in TCM and treatment started growing.
So if you ever need medicial advice, do give TCM a try.
However, as the old chinese adage goes ... "zhi biao bu zhi ben".. I believe that while Western medicine has the means of curing the immediate symptoms and pains, they have no way of curing the root of the illness. And this is what I feel TCM can do for us.
As the female TCM doctor describes " For Western medicine, there are a few standard types of drugs to cure a certain illness. But for Chinese medicine, we analyse each patient unique body conditions and use different combinations of herbs even for just one kind of illness. " This is her response to me when I asked her why she asked me questions like " Do you fear heat or coldness more?", "Do you fly into temper easily?", " Do you feel thirsty easily?" I wasn't expecting that the prescription for a rash issue would require these details ( I was half fearing she would diagnose me with some new disease) and thus, I had to ask her.
If I am not wrong, say if we have a bacterial infection, the Western medicine used would be antibiotics, and that will kill the bacteria. but for Chinese medicine, how it works is to adjust your "qi" such that it create an environment in your body which is uncondusive for the growth of bacteria. Hence, this problem is not only cured now but also prevented in future.
Hence, my support for TCM is growing. While the huge amt of Western medicine I've taken has failed to cure my monthly flus last year, I have encountered almost no such ailments this year round after going for TCM treatment. In fact, for many problems, such as mentrual related pains and such, it can be more effectively tackled by TCM than Western medicine.
And I recalled I once had pain in my tailbone and cox it's internal, it couldn't be reached or massaged physically. Hence, I went for one very painful session of ba guan and zhen jiu and it actually cured me completely. That must have been the time my trust in TCM and treatment started growing.
So if you ever need medicial advice, do give TCM a try.
Catch of the Day
That day Fishy and I were talking about how we don't seem to see that many disabled people in Singapore. The real truth we figured is that Singapore is so disabled people-unfriendly that if you are disabled, you have not much choice but to stay at home.
Today I felt it even more through a personal experience. After seeing a doctor ( I was sick), I heard this ah ma calling for someone to help her and what she wanted to do was to cross the road. As I started pushing the wheelchair she was sitting in, I started to really understand why she needed help.
Firstly, the sides of her wheelchair were hanging with metal cans and many packet of tissue paper. Hence, these added weights were something to reckon with. Next, I realised that there ain't much space to move around, especially when we were passing through a bus-stop. Further, some of the roads were not quite even and some ramps were quite steep. For a healthy person pushing her, I had to spend a considerable amt of energy and vigilance to make sure I don't send her rolling down the too-steep slope and crashing into some obstacles. I could imagine how much effort it would take her to roll wheel herself across. Furthermore, I find that even the 20 seconds given to cross the road hardly suffice for us to cross. I had to trust that the drivers were kind enough to spare me a few seconds to send her over safely (which they did).
Then she told me about how the blind people selling tissue (who are usually accompanied by other people) usually are from a syndicate that exploits their disability. And she also told me that they don't need so much money to survive cox they don't have to go for repeated medicial treatment (since they are already blind), unlike her who has to go every few months (one of her legs is amputated from the knee downwards).
After this incident, I feel even more strongly that more disabled and elderly-friendly features need to be in place in this country with an aging population. The day will soon be when our parents and ourselves need these amenities to help us lead a more dignified life. If you are like me, who might sometimes turn a blind eye to the old ah ma selling tissue, now I say, just buy it. To us, that $2 might be nothing more than small change but to these people, it means a meal, some rental and perhaps savings for medical expenses.
Today I felt it even more through a personal experience. After seeing a doctor ( I was sick), I heard this ah ma calling for someone to help her and what she wanted to do was to cross the road. As I started pushing the wheelchair she was sitting in, I started to really understand why she needed help.
Firstly, the sides of her wheelchair were hanging with metal cans and many packet of tissue paper. Hence, these added weights were something to reckon with. Next, I realised that there ain't much space to move around, especially when we were passing through a bus-stop. Further, some of the roads were not quite even and some ramps were quite steep. For a healthy person pushing her, I had to spend a considerable amt of energy and vigilance to make sure I don't send her rolling down the too-steep slope and crashing into some obstacles. I could imagine how much effort it would take her to roll wheel herself across. Furthermore, I find that even the 20 seconds given to cross the road hardly suffice for us to cross. I had to trust that the drivers were kind enough to spare me a few seconds to send her over safely (which they did).
Then she told me about how the blind people selling tissue (who are usually accompanied by other people) usually are from a syndicate that exploits their disability. And she also told me that they don't need so much money to survive cox they don't have to go for repeated medicial treatment (since they are already blind), unlike her who has to go every few months (one of her legs is amputated from the knee downwards).
After this incident, I feel even more strongly that more disabled and elderly-friendly features need to be in place in this country with an aging population. The day will soon be when our parents and ourselves need these amenities to help us lead a more dignified life. If you are like me, who might sometimes turn a blind eye to the old ah ma selling tissue, now I say, just buy it. To us, that $2 might be nothing more than small change but to these people, it means a meal, some rental and perhaps savings for medical expenses.
Monday, October 10, 2005
Ok, maybe the cough mixture is making me high but just feel like posting nonsense... FISHY is going on a movie DATE with my SEXY LIPS tonight... hahah... ok, time to sleep...
I'm on Mc today, down with a flu that actually started from Wed last week. However, as we all know, I've got absolutely no time to see a doc as Ms Peahen is not ard... but finally I have decided that I'm not going to be an angel anymore and mess with my health, so heck with whatever exams she's taking, I'm off on mc today. My boss says it's ok, so who cares about her? However, I seriously think she'a an exam freak... or what do u call someone who loves taking exams for pleasure?!?! anyway, she refuse to pick up my calls nor reply my sms, but i make sure I sms her more than 2 times and got up early to email her and see a doc. So the story goes, she still went ahead with her exams this morning, or so i heard as my other colleague called and informed me that client was looking for us... sometimes I just think... professionalism takes a dip when one places self-interest above the interest of the organisation... and I wonder how long I can last... believing in looking at the big picture...
For now, I must take care of my health and make sure I remain strong to fight the many battles ahead... orals coming next month, and I'm feeling the pressure... but meanwhile, at least I still have you guys.. cheers!
I'm on leave this Thurs and Fri, who wants a date?!
For now, I must take care of my health and make sure I remain strong to fight the many battles ahead... orals coming next month, and I'm feeling the pressure... but meanwhile, at least I still have you guys.. cheers!
I'm on leave this Thurs and Fri, who wants a date?!
i was a blushing school gal today
today i felt as if I was in Jc again.
I was at a meeting with some client and the guy that we were supposed to meet was slightly late so we were chatting with another guy from the company in the conference room. As usual , an old guy, cos most of the higher management pple that I meet in these marketing trips are senior pple ( interesting pple with a wealth of experience but def no eye candy whatsoever) and anyway after a short while, in walk this guy and I was momentarily stunned.
He is gorgeous ! I almost blush when he talked to me but of course on the surface I acted really professional. ( I could almost do a Ally Mcbeal)
Whats the odds that someone who is young, handsome, successful and rich not be married at the age of 28. But he sure took my breathe away ( brought me back to the memories of the time of wx. heh)
I was at a meeting with some client and the guy that we were supposed to meet was slightly late so we were chatting with another guy from the company in the conference room. As usual , an old guy, cos most of the higher management pple that I meet in these marketing trips are senior pple ( interesting pple with a wealth of experience but def no eye candy whatsoever) and anyway after a short while, in walk this guy and I was momentarily stunned.
He is gorgeous ! I almost blush when he talked to me but of course on the surface I acted really professional. ( I could almost do a Ally Mcbeal)
Whats the odds that someone who is young, handsome, successful and rich not be married at the age of 28. But he sure took my breathe away ( brought me back to the memories of the time of wx. heh)
Friday, October 07, 2005
lots of thoughts but forgot everything in the midst of my headache from lack of sleep and offically falling sick...
Still I am packed up to my neck with appointments and commitments. But what's a better way to get better than to immerse me-self in the company of like-minded brillant minds.
ciao bellas , a bientot, tot ziens, see u all tomorrow!!!!
Still I am packed up to my neck with appointments and commitments. But what's a better way to get better than to immerse me-self in the company of like-minded brillant minds.
ciao bellas , a bientot, tot ziens, see u all tomorrow!!!!
Big Fat Hairy Rat
Fishy and I played soccer today but very unfortunately and very very much unintentionally with something very very unlikely.
Yes the title of this blog pretty much sums it up.
We kicked some rat butt today.
A most unfortunate event and I think Mom's gonna have to buy more soap tomorrow cos I used all up to clean and re-clean my molested foot.
Yes the title of this blog pretty much sums it up.
We kicked some rat butt today.
A most unfortunate event and I think Mom's gonna have to buy more soap tomorrow cos I used all up to clean and re-clean my molested foot.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
For Fishy and Mei nu squad
If he's meant to be the one, he would somehow come right back into your life again. And if he's not, rest assured that a better one will come along, thousand times more charming and dependable....and somehow the possiilities that come with life can only get better, as long as you allow it to be. I just know it.
Anyway, for some updates, I just caught up with some Mei-nu squad's been so long since I last met up with was sec4 since we last sat down and spoke for a good while....while it was a good time I had catching up, I realise realise how much I miss them as well. So, if there's any gd frens you've neglected over the past few years, do make an effort to get in touch..there's so much magic out there.. .
Anyway, for some updates, I just caught up with some Mei-nu squad's been so long since I last met up with was sec4 since we last sat down and spoke for a good while....while it was a good time I had catching up, I realise realise how much I miss them as well. So, if there's any gd frens you've neglected over the past few years, do make an effort to get in touch..there's so much magic out there.. .
Monday, October 03, 2005
"If you can't laugh at yourself, life's gonna seema whole lot longer than you'd like."
Sam from Garden State, played by Natalie Portman
Gem of a film, it sparkles with orignality and humour, makes you smile and tear at the same time. I would call it the best film of the year, 'cept for the fact that it premiered in last year in the US.
Brief sypnosis:
Zach Braff from Scrubs, plays an actor who returns to his hometown for his mother's funeral, having been away for 9 long years. He is numbed to life, and lives in a drug induced coma. There, he meets Sam, a dash of color and life, yet so real with her insercurities and secrets.
A film which pulls off quirky, funny and bittersweet effortlessly. Eleven Fingers Up! =)
Sam from Garden State, played by Natalie Portman
Gem of a film, it sparkles with orignality and humour, makes you smile and tear at the same time. I would call it the best film of the year, 'cept for the fact that it premiered in last year in the US.
Brief sypnosis:
Zach Braff from Scrubs, plays an actor who returns to his hometown for his mother's funeral, having been away for 9 long years. He is numbed to life, and lives in a drug induced coma. There, he meets Sam, a dash of color and life, yet so real with her insercurities and secrets.
A film which pulls off quirky, funny and bittersweet effortlessly. Eleven Fingers Up! =)
for Fishy
Time and Tide waits for no man
Time and Tide will heal all pain ...
Lovers may part
as feelings dilute...
Friends will always
be here for you...
Time and Tide will heal all pain ...
Lovers may part
as feelings dilute...
Friends will always
be here for you...
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Protecting ourselves
I've noticed some spam on our webby, so in a move to prevent that from vandalising our perfect realm, I have proceeded to added this anti-spam function in our comment box.
Well, plans for next week, dinner on Friday, no late at 9am at Harbourfront..I'll bring the volleyball, somebody bring the frisbee. Who's invited? Anyone you feel like.... If not, too little pp, not enough for a game. We'll stay there for the whole day till jazz at night at Siloso, how does that sound?
WHo has mats? I wore out mine...but it has served me well for the past few years.
Let's speak more on Friday. How about we try somewhere new this Friday. Any suggestions for new eateries/restaurants?
Well, plans for next week, dinner on Friday, no late at 9am at Harbourfront..I'll bring the volleyball, somebody bring the frisbee. Who's invited? Anyone you feel like.... If not, too little pp, not enough for a game. We'll stay there for the whole day till jazz at night at Siloso, how does that sound?
WHo has mats? I wore out mine...but it has served me well for the past few years.
Let's speak more on Friday. How about we try somewhere new this Friday. Any suggestions for new eateries/restaurants?
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