gosh, i know i should turn off the late night music from class 95...you know the romantic stuff... cos it is getting me into obsessive blogging mode.
Cheesy as it might be , I love romantic songs; simple songs telling of love found, love lost and love cherish. Most wonderful and gives me such a warm fuzzy feeling inside especially when i lie on my cosy bed with lights turn off. The air ard me seems to have become softer and the darkness so comfortable and warm.
Once as a idealistic young gal (yet sometimes i still am), I went looking for a fairy tale. I wanted the romance; the happy ever afters etc... think i watched one too many romance movies...Now i still believe in the happy ever after even if I think that fairy tales are not at all impt. Imperfection and being able to love the imperfect is what makes love perfect. Fairy tales speak of a perfect world and that is what I do not believe in. I want to stand by my loved one through thick and thin and watch love grow and still be there when the romance dims.
I believe in the perfect 10!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
sudden outpourings from one who's soaking in beautiful music at late night
At the end of the day, it is not how much money or how successful we have become in our career; what matters most is the present, the moment and thus that is why I wish everyday and try to make each single day a happy one , not only for me but hopefully for the others ard me as well. Some unhappy stuff have happened a while before, and though i would rather things have turned out differently, i believe there is a plan for everyone- a journey unique for urself, to learn the things that you have to so that u may make the rest of ur journey as a better person, a stronger person and a more wonderful person.
I think you all my friends are each of strong beautiful personalities; everyone different from the others but similar on the point of a sort of inner strength in ourselves. No matter how many times life hit us, we bounce back in our own way, determine to make good.
Strength is not in how tough we look , talk or if we walk the talk. There is nothing attractive about a girl who tries too hard to be like a man. Women, celebrate our femininity. Be coy, be sweet, be blushful, be a flirt!!! It is the inner strength that will make us glow from within.
I think you all my friends are each of strong beautiful personalities; everyone different from the others but similar on the point of a sort of inner strength in ourselves. No matter how many times life hit us, we bounce back in our own way, determine to make good.
Strength is not in how tough we look , talk or if we walk the talk. There is nothing attractive about a girl who tries too hard to be like a man. Women, celebrate our femininity. Be coy, be sweet, be blushful, be a flirt!!! It is the inner strength that will make us glow from within.
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Quick all go and check your email.....accept it quick. I'm trying to win us some exclusive invites to the Cirque Du Soleil invites. Check it out. It's way cool!
Quidam opens in Singapore on September 8th! You and 5 friends could be treated like stars with Cirque du Soleil at a pre-show cocktail party and the exclusive Premiere show of Quidam! Each successful referral entitles you a chance to win!
Prize includes:
- You will be picked up by limo and taken to one of TONI & GUY HAIRDRESSING ’s exclusive salons.
- You will be made to look like a star, with make-up by LancĂ´me, hair styling by Toni & Guy and jewellery for the night by CITIGEMS.
- The limo will then take you to the pre-show cocktail party (at Scarlet Hotel!!) where you will be mingling with the stars in the exclusive TAPIS ROUGE VIP suite.
- You will then be escorted to a night of all nights – the Singapore Premiere of Quidam!
- After the show, you will be given access to the invite-only Premiere after-party (at Indochine!!!).
Saturday, August 27, 2005
.... on some soppy taiwanese (i think) drama serial (love story) that my dear sisters let loose on me (read: 3 am nights dedicated to putting disc after disc into the player as if i am under some spell.... sub-consciously feeling guilty about that self-sustaining, ever-growing pile of work on my desk... yet helpless to do anything about it) ......
.... until something else hooked my attention - WHAT TANNED AND TONED BODY?!?!?!?
DID I HEAR "RIP OFF" ??!!?!?!? Make sure you tell us IN ADVANCE before that happens!!! otherwise that is the end of our friendship!!!!! GOOD THINGS MUST SHARE!!!
or at least make sure you take VERY GOOD photos!!!
.... until something else hooked my attention - WHAT TANNED AND TONED BODY?!?!?!?
DID I HEAR "RIP OFF" ??!!?!?!? Make sure you tell us IN ADVANCE before that happens!!! otherwise that is the end of our friendship!!!!! GOOD THINGS MUST SHARE!!!
or at least make sure you take VERY GOOD photos!!!
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
a bet
I made a bet with Tatty last night; remember the guy who broke up with my sister and went back to the old GF... well they have been playin this break-and-patch game - for at least 4 times in a span of 6 months... she initiate and she initiate again, think she got a itchy butt.....so, it happened again last night and my bet's on him going back to her, time frame: till end of the month, stake: SGD50! treat u girls to shots if i win.. which i think i would. hee..hee.. call me evil or what :p
3 opposing things
Yes! your insurance agent is flirting with you outright! and No! You shouldn't add more riders to your insurance package, y let him earn so much when he's the one going ga-ga over u... hee, just make sure you'll never make him the bene ...Instead, u should squeeze the most out of him... errr.... but part from diaries and calendars, what can agents give... ?!?! Moral of the story: Fishy should stop flirting ard to avoid getting herself killed.
Claiming back SGD0.80 doesn't makes u petty, $ is $, why work for nothing? He's not someone you love enough to deliver a Kopi FOC! So moral of the story: Be the love one of Fishy and get a Kopi for free!
This 3rd thing is so contradicting to the previous one...petty vs generosity...so, in short moral of the 3rd story: Receive a sexy white shirt from Fishy and u are her implied loved one! ... u owe us an explanation on this one!
Claiming back SGD0.80 doesn't makes u petty, $ is $, why work for nothing? He's not someone you love enough to deliver a Kopi FOC! So moral of the story: Be the love one of Fishy and get a Kopi for free!
This 3rd thing is so contradicting to the previous one...petty vs generosity...so, in short moral of the 3rd story: Receive a sexy white shirt from Fishy and u are her implied loved one! ... u owe us an explanation on this one!
Monday, August 22, 2005
Hungry Ghosts' Festival
Da asked me, "Eh, where are all the Chinese Operas that used to be part of the typical Hungry Ghost Festival?" My answer to him was that the organising committee probably lacks money and hence, couldn't afford the performance. This is not surprising as I can hardly imagine people of our generation paying the same kind of regard to the Festival as our elders do. Would you for one actually pay subscription fees to go for the typical auction 10 course dinner (that would be attended by neighbours you might or might not know) with flamboyant Getai singers, watch some opera and bring home a red pail filled with canned food and sugarcane ? For the sake of preserving some heritage, I just might.
Anyway, that brings me to my next point, my personal topic of interest. Why the Hungry Ghost festival? Did it come about because it is a particular period where death rates tend to be higher than usual and hence is the explanation that people of the past have come up with ? Or is it a time for us to remember our ancestors?
And so I found, this Festival has emerged from a convergence of strains of Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist and traditional religious teachings.
For the Buddhist,
"every year on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, they should remember their parents and ancestors with piety and compassion, and repay their parents for their care and love by preparing a feast for offering to the Buddha and the monks."
For the Taoist,
" The ghostly aspect of the seventh month emerged from the Taoist concept of hell. Imprisoned in its lowest reaches, the ghosts may leave hell only with special permission of its king. This privilege would be granted only if the ghost receives no offerings to provide for its welfare, and therefore must return to the living to take what it can. The numbers permitted to leave are restricted.
The Taoist version favored the term P'u-tu, signifying a crossing over, or a general amnesty for the souls of the dead in hell. This amnesty commences on the first day and the ghosts look for whatever food they may find. On the fifteenth day, the feeding of the souls is attended to and each family offers a banquet for the ghosts. By the thirtieth day the ghosts must return to hell.
The seventh month festival serves two objects: ancestors and ghosts. To understand the heart of the festival it is important to observe how ghosts and ancestors have come to be distinguished and accordingly treated. The distinction has a Taoist influence.
During the Hungry Ghost Festival the living show their concern for the dead. The Chinese concept of death and life makes participation mandatory for filial children. This concept emerges from the Taoist philosophical development of yin and yang: two opposing forces of which everything is composed. Yin is the force of death and yang of life, and these elements are at work within individual persons. As a man ages, the yin increases at the expense of the yang, and death marks the total separation of the two. The soul, however, also contains elements of both yin and yang. The former is called kui (demon) and the latter shen (spirit). At death the kui should return to the earth and the shen persist in the grave, family shrine and the other world. If, however, one's soul is not properly cared for, it will persist as kui and cause problems for the living. In popular practice, the kui are considered hungry ghosts thus, clearly, one's ancestor could only be shen. Because both continue to exist and interfere, the living must respond accordingly.
Because ancestors persist after death as shen, the moral obligation to them never ceases. As all subordinates owe their elder kinsmen worship, respect and honor, this duty is passed down throughout the generations, with descendents accumulating more and more ancestors to worship. As the family line continues through the male, only-sons must maintain a strict worship lest the ancestors exist neglected.
While the needs of the ancestors are specifically addressed, the Chinese must remain conscious of the presence of the second object of the seventh month festival.
Who are the ghosts?
Several circumstances cause the kui to become dominant in one's soul, rendering him a hungry ghost. An improper burial, or none at all, is one factor. The burial represents the first stage in sending the ancestor to the underworld. If that task is left undone, the spirit is left homeless. Typically, this occurs when people are killed en mass, or executed, or die away from home and subsequently have been forgotten. Other spirits with descendents become ghosts because of anger. Perhaps they were violently murdered or unjustly executed and now long for vengeance.21
That some ghosts have descendants does create some problems: one's ancestor could be another's ghost. Wolf indicates that although most people would not admit that their ancestor could be a ghost to another, when hard pressed with examples many will admit the fact. Thus in some cases whether a spirit is a ghost or an ancestor depends very much upon one's perspective.
In other cases, the system of filial piety itself contributes to the creation of hungry ghosts. Because worship is restricted to a junior paying homage to a senior, parents would abandon a child's soul rather than worship him. Thus a child who dies has no one to assist him in the afterlife, leaving him homeless, hungry, a kui. To rationalize the child's birth, many believe that such children were strangers in the world of the living and therefore compelled to leave. Likewise, a deceased unmarried daughter may never be worshipped, for only the husband's line and his wives may receive this honor. A woman who dies before marriage is allocated the undignified position of a ghost.
As indicated above, in the Chinese spirit world there exists a large group of homeless and hungry souls, motivated by jealousy of the living, possibly of their own descendents or offspring who have homes, wealth and families, and therefore are the cause of most misfortunes. For that reason they are popularly perceived as spiritual beggars. The beggar is not conceived as lethargic and idle. Rather he represents a vagrant who, because of intense jealousy, attempts to take what belongs to others and willingly threatens and performs ill against his victims to satisfy his own desires. But by giving him something, he should leave one alone. Thus the intent of the Festival of Hungry Ghosts is not to honor but to propitiate the ghosts, lest they prey on the living and obstruct the peace of the ancestors. It is necessary to avoid offending the kui, hence ghosts are referred to as "the good brothers because they would be offended if you called them ghosts." A northern Taiwanese tradition epitomizes the connection. There, on the fifteenth day, the community prepares a huge feast. First the spirits are given opportunity to spiritually partake and then the meal is opened to the earthly beggars to physically eat the food.
As the ghosts could interfere with the ancestor festival, food must be prepared for them. But as it would be dangerous to allow a beggar into one's home, the same holds true for ghosts. So offerings are made on tables outside the home. Offerings usually consist of whole cooked fowl and large pieces of meat and delicacies. Other attractive items such as beer, cigarettes and washing implements are left out for the homeless ghosts to use. [this is really interesting yeah?]
Finally, I see some light.
So the next question is, tradition or superstitution? Guess it depends on whether we take the Buddhist or Taoist view. =p
Anyway, that brings me to my next point, my personal topic of interest. Why the Hungry Ghost festival? Did it come about because it is a particular period where death rates tend to be higher than usual and hence is the explanation that people of the past have come up with ? Or is it a time for us to remember our ancestors?
And so I found, this Festival has emerged from a convergence of strains of Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist and traditional religious teachings.
For the Buddhist,
"every year on the fifteenth day of the seventh month, they should remember their parents and ancestors with piety and compassion, and repay their parents for their care and love by preparing a feast for offering to the Buddha and the monks."
For the Taoist,
" The ghostly aspect of the seventh month emerged from the Taoist concept of hell. Imprisoned in its lowest reaches, the ghosts may leave hell only with special permission of its king. This privilege would be granted only if the ghost receives no offerings to provide for its welfare, and therefore must return to the living to take what it can. The numbers permitted to leave are restricted.
The Taoist version favored the term P'u-tu, signifying a crossing over, or a general amnesty for the souls of the dead in hell. This amnesty commences on the first day and the ghosts look for whatever food they may find. On the fifteenth day, the feeding of the souls is attended to and each family offers a banquet for the ghosts. By the thirtieth day the ghosts must return to hell.
The seventh month festival serves two objects: ancestors and ghosts. To understand the heart of the festival it is important to observe how ghosts and ancestors have come to be distinguished and accordingly treated. The distinction has a Taoist influence.
During the Hungry Ghost Festival the living show their concern for the dead. The Chinese concept of death and life makes participation mandatory for filial children. This concept emerges from the Taoist philosophical development of yin and yang: two opposing forces of which everything is composed. Yin is the force of death and yang of life, and these elements are at work within individual persons. As a man ages, the yin increases at the expense of the yang, and death marks the total separation of the two. The soul, however, also contains elements of both yin and yang. The former is called kui (demon) and the latter shen (spirit). At death the kui should return to the earth and the shen persist in the grave, family shrine and the other world. If, however, one's soul is not properly cared for, it will persist as kui and cause problems for the living. In popular practice, the kui are considered hungry ghosts thus, clearly, one's ancestor could only be shen. Because both continue to exist and interfere, the living must respond accordingly.
Because ancestors persist after death as shen, the moral obligation to them never ceases. As all subordinates owe their elder kinsmen worship, respect and honor, this duty is passed down throughout the generations, with descendents accumulating more and more ancestors to worship. As the family line continues through the male, only-sons must maintain a strict worship lest the ancestors exist neglected.
While the needs of the ancestors are specifically addressed, the Chinese must remain conscious of the presence of the second object of the seventh month festival.
Who are the ghosts?
Several circumstances cause the kui to become dominant in one's soul, rendering him a hungry ghost. An improper burial, or none at all, is one factor. The burial represents the first stage in sending the ancestor to the underworld. If that task is left undone, the spirit is left homeless. Typically, this occurs when people are killed en mass, or executed, or die away from home and subsequently have been forgotten. Other spirits with descendents become ghosts because of anger. Perhaps they were violently murdered or unjustly executed and now long for vengeance.21
That some ghosts have descendants does create some problems: one's ancestor could be another's ghost. Wolf indicates that although most people would not admit that their ancestor could be a ghost to another, when hard pressed with examples many will admit the fact. Thus in some cases whether a spirit is a ghost or an ancestor depends very much upon one's perspective.
In other cases, the system of filial piety itself contributes to the creation of hungry ghosts. Because worship is restricted to a junior paying homage to a senior, parents would abandon a child's soul rather than worship him. Thus a child who dies has no one to assist him in the afterlife, leaving him homeless, hungry, a kui. To rationalize the child's birth, many believe that such children were strangers in the world of the living and therefore compelled to leave. Likewise, a deceased unmarried daughter may never be worshipped, for only the husband's line and his wives may receive this honor. A woman who dies before marriage is allocated the undignified position of a ghost.
As indicated above, in the Chinese spirit world there exists a large group of homeless and hungry souls, motivated by jealousy of the living, possibly of their own descendents or offspring who have homes, wealth and families, and therefore are the cause of most misfortunes. For that reason they are popularly perceived as spiritual beggars. The beggar is not conceived as lethargic and idle. Rather he represents a vagrant who, because of intense jealousy, attempts to take what belongs to others and willingly threatens and performs ill against his victims to satisfy his own desires. But by giving him something, he should leave one alone. Thus the intent of the Festival of Hungry Ghosts is not to honor but to propitiate the ghosts, lest they prey on the living and obstruct the peace of the ancestors. It is necessary to avoid offending the kui, hence ghosts are referred to as "the good brothers because they would be offended if you called them ghosts." A northern Taiwanese tradition epitomizes the connection. There, on the fifteenth day, the community prepares a huge feast. First the spirits are given opportunity to spiritually partake and then the meal is opened to the earthly beggars to physically eat the food.
As the ghosts could interfere with the ancestor festival, food must be prepared for them. But as it would be dangerous to allow a beggar into one's home, the same holds true for ghosts. So offerings are made on tables outside the home. Offerings usually consist of whole cooked fowl and large pieces of meat and delicacies. Other attractive items such as beer, cigarettes and washing implements are left out for the homeless ghosts to use. [this is really interesting yeah?]
Finally, I see some light.
So the next question is, tradition or superstitution? Guess it depends on whether we take the Buddhist or Taoist view. =p
Sunday, August 21, 2005
east coast park
There is something lovely and sentimental about East Coast Park. Being there always brings back fond memories of secondary school days when there are never-ending invitations to chalets, kayaking and BBQ sessions. Especially at the moments nearing evening, the whiffs of grilled chicken wings and hot dogs makes u salivate unwittingly.
Sometimes when the " lets do some serious exercise feeling", I will pick up my bike and cycle all the way from home to east coast. It is a treacherous ride from my home fraught with small anit-cyclist pavements that force you at times to cycle on the busy roads and one particular part along upper east coast road where you have to carefully balance yourself to go through the teeniest space between a lamp post and some concert slab, not forgetting the many bus stops you have to cycle past and each time, I am praying that some alighting passenger or some oblivious person in the bus stop does not do a sudden swing at me coming from behind them. This is what stands between me and my beautiful, calm and lovely East Coast Park; the sea and her gentle embracing arms. I feel like a knight going through tumultuous journeys to go to my fair maiden in distress. Only I am a gal.
I love the sea, its calming rhythm. It seems to absorb all bad thoughts from me, leaving me only a nice comfy feeling that it is only good to be alive and enjoy the wonderful creations of nature. The endless stretch of water forming a horizon with the boundless sky.
So yup, today I did quite a bit of exe, soak up a bit of the good essence of the sea and sky and all ready and raring to go for the week. Have a great week ahead gals! and to fishy, all the best for your new job.
Sometimes when the " lets do some serious exercise feeling", I will pick up my bike and cycle all the way from home to east coast. It is a treacherous ride from my home fraught with small anit-cyclist pavements that force you at times to cycle on the busy roads and one particular part along upper east coast road where you have to carefully balance yourself to go through the teeniest space between a lamp post and some concert slab, not forgetting the many bus stops you have to cycle past and each time, I am praying that some alighting passenger or some oblivious person in the bus stop does not do a sudden swing at me coming from behind them. This is what stands between me and my beautiful, calm and lovely East Coast Park; the sea and her gentle embracing arms. I feel like a knight going through tumultuous journeys to go to my fair maiden in distress. Only I am a gal.
I love the sea, its calming rhythm. It seems to absorb all bad thoughts from me, leaving me only a nice comfy feeling that it is only good to be alive and enjoy the wonderful creations of nature. The endless stretch of water forming a horizon with the boundless sky.
So yup, today I did quite a bit of exe, soak up a bit of the good essence of the sea and sky and all ready and raring to go for the week. Have a great week ahead gals! and to fishy, all the best for your new job.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Asians in a Western world
"...questions remain about the sustainability of Asia's success....They cannot rely solely on favourable external developments or on Western ideas - though it is these, not Asian ones, that have driven Asia's growth. The economic principles of Asia's rise come from a Scot, Adam Smith. The political ideologies come from Western thinkers, from John Locke to Karl Marx. The international multilateral grid that served Asia well - including the U.N., WTO, IMF and World Bank- is essentially a Western creation. Asians have benefited enormously from being passengers on the Western globalisation bus.
Soon, they will help drive it. Asians cannot be free riders forever. Yet few Asians have given thought to how they will reshape the world order. The world is keen to learn what new responsibilities Asia will take on. So far, the region has remained silent. On the cultural front, too, Asian passivity is surprising. Bollywood, the sole major exception is growing in strength. But in virtually every other field, Asians have been consumers of Western cultural products, especially American ones....This distorts global perspectives. The world sees Asia through Western eyes. Asian have yet to explain themselves in their own terms to the rest of the world"
Kishore Mahbubani, " The Making of Modern Asia" in Time Aug 15-22, 2005
author of " Can Asians think?" a book I am reading now...fasinating read, very smart and insightful
Soon, they will help drive it. Asians cannot be free riders forever. Yet few Asians have given thought to how they will reshape the world order. The world is keen to learn what new responsibilities Asia will take on. So far, the region has remained silent. On the cultural front, too, Asian passivity is surprising. Bollywood, the sole major exception is growing in strength. But in virtually every other field, Asians have been consumers of Western cultural products, especially American ones....This distorts global perspectives. The world sees Asia through Western eyes. Asian have yet to explain themselves in their own terms to the rest of the world"
Kishore Mahbubani, " The Making of Modern Asia" in Time Aug 15-22, 2005
author of " Can Asians think?" a book I am reading now...fasinating read, very smart and insightful
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Da ....Vinci Code and all that Incredibles and Ghandi
Happy Birthday dearest Gek!
Welcome to the age of empowerment my dearest friend! How do you feel about being 23 and thriving?
By the way, the Love Affair in the Mediterranean was truly sensational - all that lovely flower crabs, orgasmic salad, sensuous music, rich cheeses,chocolates and wines and not to forget the fantastic company. And yeah, did I mention the delicious Chef Tat's Seafood Bisque that's served by sexy miss waitress?
Thanks gek for hosting yet another fantastic dinner party. Thanks for having us. Muaks! Happy Birthday babe!
Anybody got fun pictures? Let's see some....
Welcome to the age of empowerment my dearest friend! How do you feel about being 23 and thriving?
By the way, the Love Affair in the Mediterranean was truly sensational - all that lovely flower crabs, orgasmic salad, sensuous music, rich cheeses,chocolates and wines and not to forget the fantastic company. And yeah, did I mention the delicious Chef Tat's Seafood Bisque that's served by sexy miss waitress?
Thanks gek for hosting yet another fantastic dinner party. Thanks for having us. Muaks! Happy Birthday babe!
Anybody got fun pictures? Let's see some....
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Hey Hey
After much vehement criticism from my dearest comrades, about my display of nonchalence towards the blog, I've decided to yield and blog some stuff about nothing and everything.
1. I broke my toothbrush while cleaning it. Don't ask me how. I just did. I have superhuman strength I guess. (Hint: dun trifle with me. unless you wanna end up like my tooth brush haha)
2. I met a ginger coloured cat that day and it was so pretty and cute. Did I mention the puss was a wuss too? Cos it ran away in fear when I approached it. Rejection always sucks, even when its from a cat.
3. I'm developing a tummy. Its not catastrophic, but its on my list of top 10 problems. ( yeah, I'm totally vain and shallow) So i've made a resolution to cut sugar from my diet. According to Jacelyn tay, the new guru on healthy living, that works. oh and to cut out alcohol too. Alcohol's a big no no. Stop poisoning your livers you ignorant alcoholics!
4. I cleaned my room. ( hooray!) So now, I'm hoping that it'll improve my feng shui, and good things will come my way soon. Threw away a shit load of junk. Like 5, 6 years of stuff. Feels good just throwing htings in the bin. Liberating would be the right word to use. Travelling light through life is a wise choice to make. Now I look at my empty shelves and feel so happy.
5. The number 5 is a prime number.
6. The number 6 is supposed to be the Devil's number. And if you pronounce it wrongly, it sounds like "sex".
7. Beckam's old number. For Harry potter Fans, its Lord Voldemort's fave number.
8. The Chinese Lurve this number. It means to strike rich. For me, it means 8 days, my fave mag. haha.
9. I hope you enjoyed the trivial about numbers which I mentioned in the past 8 points.
10. The perfect 10 doesn't exist. If you think it does, its an illusion and you're delusional. And probably depressed and unhappy, cos you're seeking the impossible.
1. I broke my toothbrush while cleaning it. Don't ask me how. I just did. I have superhuman strength I guess. (Hint: dun trifle with me. unless you wanna end up like my tooth brush haha)
2. I met a ginger coloured cat that day and it was so pretty and cute. Did I mention the puss was a wuss too? Cos it ran away in fear when I approached it. Rejection always sucks, even when its from a cat.
3. I'm developing a tummy. Its not catastrophic, but its on my list of top 10 problems. ( yeah, I'm totally vain and shallow) So i've made a resolution to cut sugar from my diet. According to Jacelyn tay, the new guru on healthy living, that works. oh and to cut out alcohol too. Alcohol's a big no no. Stop poisoning your livers you ignorant alcoholics!
4. I cleaned my room. ( hooray!) So now, I'm hoping that it'll improve my feng shui, and good things will come my way soon. Threw away a shit load of junk. Like 5, 6 years of stuff. Feels good just throwing htings in the bin. Liberating would be the right word to use. Travelling light through life is a wise choice to make. Now I look at my empty shelves and feel so happy.
5. The number 5 is a prime number.
6. The number 6 is supposed to be the Devil's number. And if you pronounce it wrongly, it sounds like "sex".
7. Beckam's old number. For Harry potter Fans, its Lord Voldemort's fave number.
8. The Chinese Lurve this number. It means to strike rich. For me, it means 8 days, my fave mag. haha.
9. I hope you enjoyed the trivial about numbers which I mentioned in the past 8 points.
10. The perfect 10 doesn't exist. If you think it does, its an illusion and you're delusional. And probably depressed and unhappy, cos you're seeking the impossible.
Gothy Chic
I'm so excited about today, about all that goth but am still figuring how I should get those makeup on without looking too bruised. Laffs. Shall we have a best dressed prize? Bring your cameras guys. This looks like its gonna be the ultimate glam event of the year.
Can't wait!
Can't wait!
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Saturday Sensational Love Affair in the Mediterranean
Two more days to our much anticipated dinner date hosted by yours truly...
I am drooling already from that picture of creamy mustard coloured soup (seems cheeky has a penchant for putting up pictures in accompliant to her posts - must have been part of her presentation skills workshop training ;p) and the thoughts of chocolate cake from where ? awfully chocolate? - sounds like a big oxymoron...chocolate is never awful just terribly sinful...
oh thank you darling for thinking of that...then I should get some french vanilla ice-cream or the likes to compliment it. What say u?
Here's a little peep into the menu:
we are gonna have mussels, flower crabs (really delicious), lots of tapas ( creatively improvised by cheif moi), aglio Olio, sangria (the common - i will not say correct- way is really with dash of gin and some orange juice), proper wine, Ed's chocolate liqueur , gek's custom-made cheese platter sans blue cheese, Tat's seafood soup and maybe Chun's tiramisu(?) - all in the company of sexy bossanova and jazzy tunes and great friends!
Ciao Bella!
I am drooling already from that picture of creamy mustard coloured soup (seems cheeky has a penchant for putting up pictures in accompliant to her posts - must have been part of her presentation skills workshop training ;p) and the thoughts of chocolate cake from where ? awfully chocolate? - sounds like a big oxymoron...chocolate is never awful just terribly sinful...
oh thank you darling for thinking of that...then I should get some french vanilla ice-cream or the likes to compliment it. What say u?
Here's a little peep into the menu:
we are gonna have mussels, flower crabs (really delicious), lots of tapas ( creatively improvised by cheif moi), aglio Olio, sangria (the common - i will not say correct- way is really with dash of gin and some orange juice), proper wine, Ed's chocolate liqueur , gek's custom-made cheese platter sans blue cheese, Tat's seafood soup and maybe Chun's tiramisu(?) - all in the company of sexy bossanova and jazzy tunes and great friends!
Ciao Bella!
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
looking forward to sat!
after a long day staring at the computer, finally with some time on my hand , to breathe a little freely, blog a little and listen to some nice music...ahhh
look forward to see u guys on sat...its gonna be a smash...simply because I am gonna have such good company like u gals and guys.
By the way: a little summary of our little costume party - who's going to wear what...
non-compliance = washing dishes...muahaha
Please protest if I got this half-completed list wrong else silence means consent.=p
Giselle n Ed = British Chic and Butler(?)
Jene n Qida = Gothic
Winnie n Tat =
Wanqing n Ed =
Chun = Bohemian
Gek = Cheerleader
Kenneth = Preppy (?)
Can’t remember what Winnie n Tat, Wan n Ed is going to come in. Fill us in ok? And sorry for my poor memory :-(
A digression here: dun u think the preppy look for guys is just so hot; 5 days a week I spend around the CBD area and all these guys in their nice smart looking shirts and ties plus spiky hair. Love especially those who can carry off their pink shirts. Drool factor - a sizzling ten!
look forward to see u guys on sat...its gonna be a smash...simply because I am gonna have such good company like u gals and guys.
By the way: a little summary of our little costume party - who's going to wear what...
non-compliance = washing dishes...muahaha
Please protest if I got this half-completed list wrong else silence means consent.=p
Giselle n Ed = British Chic and Butler(?)
Jene n Qida = Gothic
Winnie n Tat =
Wanqing n Ed =
Chun = Bohemian
Gek = Cheerleader
Kenneth = Preppy (?)
Can’t remember what Winnie n Tat, Wan n Ed is going to come in. Fill us in ok? And sorry for my poor memory :-(
A digression here: dun u think the preppy look for guys is just so hot; 5 days a week I spend around the CBD area and all these guys in their nice smart looking shirts and ties plus spiky hair. Love especially those who can carry off their pink shirts. Drool factor - a sizzling ten!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
the magic of Willy Wonka and his chocolate factory
Roald Dahl have special place in my childhood; alongside with Enid Blyton, Nancy Drew and yes i have to admit, Sweet Valley Twins... but Roald Dahl is way above them, top of the list, with wonderful quirky creations like Matilda with her supernatural powers; James and his bug pals living in a giant peach; witches that hate kids and wanna turn them into mice and of course not forgetting dear ole endearing Charlie and the mysterious Willy Wonka with all his wonderful candies. I never looked at candy in the same way after reading that book - what's with chewing gum that can taste like three meals, invisible chocolate to eat in class without your teacher knowing and gobstopper that will never finish. According to my dad, it was the first Roald Dahl book, he had us read at the very tender age of eight. No wonder I can be full of strange notions sometimes- the seed has been planted from young.
Watching the movie now would be like revisiting a very special part of my childhood, where I would be holed up on my bed, leaning against my cupboard sitting on the floor or even eating and reading his books at the same time. Those old feelings like familiar smells always bring a certain nostalgia, of a time from long ago. And big big plus point: Johnny Depp..!
Watching the movie now would be like revisiting a very special part of my childhood, where I would be holed up on my bed, leaning against my cupboard sitting on the floor or even eating and reading his books at the same time. Those old feelings like familiar smells always bring a certain nostalgia, of a time from long ago. And big big plus point: Johnny Depp..!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
I draw the pay of a temp worker
Just a recent revelation - i actually draw about $7 an hour until I pass the bar.
~Sigh~ at least the work is interesting... heh ;P
~Sigh~ at least the work is interesting... heh ;P
The week is gonna begin once again
I never thought that house-hunting could be so tedious. And long drawn-out. And so complicated.
I keep having this surreal feeling that I am growing up against my will, what with the talk about having to service a mortgage for the rest of my working life...*shudder* (or a good 10 years at least), or the sheer act of having to make a decision between a flat, a condo, a freehold, a leasehold, a new house, an old one, distance from town, budget..... balancing a million factors basically ... ... What a pain in the posterior.
Not that I am not happy house-hunting, mind you. I swear I will never get tired of looking at the splendidly done up showflats. They really give you the momentary hope that your house could look like that too (but then once you see how much it costs I bet it'd be a different story altogether).
House-hunting is just too tiring, with too many life-altering decisions to make for my comfort.
Well, on to happier thoughts. I went cycling in Pelangan, JB on friday with a bunch of friends from the bar course, and had some really fresh, cheap lobster ($5 for a mid sized one) and other assorted restaurant-ish foods. It was quite a workout - 12km from the bicycle kiosk to the restaurant, and another 12 km back. I almost couldn't feel my ass when I got back... it was numb for a while and ached like mad after. Oh, did I mention that I am officially 'chao tar'??? AND with sunglass marks to boot...~sigh~ Nonetheless... it is fun to travel all over for food... heh (what a pig).
National Day holiday is coming up soon! Whee! hahah... but next week is gonna be a pretty heavy week for me, so I'm really looking forward to Sat dinner!!! I will bring Bailey's! Get ready those glasses and coffee gals! Can't wait to see all of you!
Oh... is it gonna be an all-night thing? Or are we chionging? Need to prepare a movie or something? Bring change of clothes?
I keep having this surreal feeling that I am growing up against my will, what with the talk about having to service a mortgage for the rest of my working life...*shudder* (or a good 10 years at least), or the sheer act of having to make a decision between a flat, a condo, a freehold, a leasehold, a new house, an old one, distance from town, budget..... balancing a million factors basically ... ... What a pain in the posterior.
Not that I am not happy house-hunting, mind you. I swear I will never get tired of looking at the splendidly done up showflats. They really give you the momentary hope that your house could look like that too (but then once you see how much it costs I bet it'd be a different story altogether).
House-hunting is just too tiring, with too many life-altering decisions to make for my comfort.
Well, on to happier thoughts. I went cycling in Pelangan, JB on friday with a bunch of friends from the bar course, and had some really fresh, cheap lobster ($5 for a mid sized one) and other assorted restaurant-ish foods. It was quite a workout - 12km from the bicycle kiosk to the restaurant, and another 12 km back. I almost couldn't feel my ass when I got back... it was numb for a while and ached like mad after. Oh, did I mention that I am officially 'chao tar'??? AND with sunglass marks to boot...~sigh~ Nonetheless... it is fun to travel all over for food... heh (what a pig).
National Day holiday is coming up soon! Whee! hahah... but next week is gonna be a pretty heavy week for me, so I'm really looking forward to Sat dinner!!! I will bring Bailey's! Get ready those glasses and coffee gals! Can't wait to see all of you!
Oh... is it gonna be an all-night thing? Or are we chionging? Need to prepare a movie or something? Bring change of clothes?
Friday, August 05, 2005
The mrt ride II

A guy stood up to give up this seat to an old man. The old man declined, saying that he's getting off the next stop. Both stood there motionless and embarrassed for a moment, not knowing what to say. A third man dashed out from nowhere, knocked the old man and sat down, grinning from ear to ear on his little "find". The two men then crossed each other, each exit from a different door at the next stop.
Won't it be better if they made a little conversation, or both of them laughed at the third man? Hahah, just a silly thought on the train.
i love my posse (II)
After getting a phone call from fishy, I cant help smiling...
where can u find such fun-loving, quirky bunch of friends with so many things up their sleeves to brighten ur day, prep u up and make u smile the whole day thru?
where can u find such fun-loving, quirky bunch of friends with so many things up their sleeves to brighten ur day, prep u up and make u smile the whole day thru?
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
It was just last week when I was spending lots of time in the office. The few times I stopped to look at the watch was just to make sure time did not sneak past without me knowing. So I thought perhaps I am borned to work like a dog. To a perverse exent, I quite enjoy it.
Yet this week, things took a dramatic change. I found myself looking at the watch not in apprehension but in anticipation. It's the same work, same people, same place, so why the change?
Well, dearest da has come back !
Just for some updates, I actually kept in touch with the lady we met at Attica. Met her for lunch. She told me I was her lucky star cox she got something she really wanted today. I tried hard to contain the fact that today was my unlucky day cox a colleague has overwritten my file wrongly and I had to do extra work.
Yet this week, things took a dramatic change. I found myself looking at the watch not in apprehension but in anticipation. It's the same work, same people, same place, so why the change?
Well, dearest da has come back !
Just for some updates, I actually kept in touch with the lady we met at Attica. Met her for lunch. She told me I was her lucky star cox she got something she really wanted today. I tried hard to contain the fact that today was my unlucky day cox a colleague has overwritten my file wrongly and I had to do extra work.
Monday, August 01, 2005
Europe, thy name is Cowardice
I found this article (July 30, 2005, Straits Times "Europe, thy name is Cowardice" By Mathias Dopfner) interesting, very controversial and disturbing how the writer reasoned away the virtues of tolerance in such a cold logical way.
"Rather than protect democracy in the Middle East, European appeasement, camouflaged behind the fuzzy word 'equidistance', often seems to countenance suicide bombings in Israel by fundamentalist Palestinians. Similarly, it generates a mentality that allows Europe to ignore the nearly 500,000 victims of Saddam Hussein's torture and murder machinery and, motivated by the self-righteousness of the peace movement, to harangue United States President George W. Bush as a warmonger."
The world is so much more than "free, open Western societies" and I am sure more research can find that Israelites commit just as much wrong to the Palestine and how about a mentality that allowed the American leaders to ignore all their atrocities in the Vietnam war or the 2 atomic bombs that they dropped killing thousands of Japanese?The issue here is not to dwell on the past but to see the past for what it is and learn from it..then perhaps the ugly side of history can not repeat itself, like how it always obstinately does in reality.
I am not taking sides; I think violence and war is just wrong whoever it is waged by; it is only values like tolerance and love and peace that will help make the world a better place and not more excuses justifying why a certain war must be waged for the so called good of the human race and most commonly touted - for the vague "free and open Western society" and the convenient excuse of democracy. I mean how it this western notion relevant for the other half the world that is just not western?
As a third-generation Singaporean, who have never experienced any of the hardships of war unlike our grandparents' generation, ranting on and on like an armchair critic, I cannot even begin to imagine what life must be like for the people on the other side of the world , and by that I do not mean the Americans or even the Europeans but the people in Iraq, Palestine...unwillingly players in global politics, suffering lost, hunger and devastation for some white man's dream of making the world a more democratic place.
Sometimes you wonder why these young chaps will strap a bomb around their bodies and to personally denote themselves? What goes through their mind at these last moments? What motivated them? One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. I think it is important to remember this fact, at least for myself, i think it is. I find it morally difficult to take any stand. I do not know if I should say who or what is right or wrong anymore...the world is just not simple as that. But then what if these bombings were to hit close to home? to someone that I know? I find it so draining just to try and figure out what it is I should really feel and think of these issues without being patronising, an armchair critic or a hypocrite? How also do we develop fair views given that our constant supply of news come mostly with a Western slant?
go read the article, will be nice to know ur views...though I cant put it up here for copyright reasons.
"Rather than protect democracy in the Middle East, European appeasement, camouflaged behind the fuzzy word 'equidistance', often seems to countenance suicide bombings in Israel by fundamentalist Palestinians. Similarly, it generates a mentality that allows Europe to ignore the nearly 500,000 victims of Saddam Hussein's torture and murder machinery and, motivated by the self-righteousness of the peace movement, to harangue United States President George W. Bush as a warmonger."
The world is so much more than "free, open Western societies" and I am sure more research can find that Israelites commit just as much wrong to the Palestine and how about a mentality that allowed the American leaders to ignore all their atrocities in the Vietnam war or the 2 atomic bombs that they dropped killing thousands of Japanese?The issue here is not to dwell on the past but to see the past for what it is and learn from it..then perhaps the ugly side of history can not repeat itself, like how it always obstinately does in reality.
I am not taking sides; I think violence and war is just wrong whoever it is waged by; it is only values like tolerance and love and peace that will help make the world a better place and not more excuses justifying why a certain war must be waged for the so called good of the human race and most commonly touted - for the vague "free and open Western society" and the convenient excuse of democracy. I mean how it this western notion relevant for the other half the world that is just not western?
As a third-generation Singaporean, who have never experienced any of the hardships of war unlike our grandparents' generation, ranting on and on like an armchair critic, I cannot even begin to imagine what life must be like for the people on the other side of the world , and by that I do not mean the Americans or even the Europeans but the people in Iraq, Palestine...unwillingly players in global politics, suffering lost, hunger and devastation for some white man's dream of making the world a more democratic place.
Sometimes you wonder why these young chaps will strap a bomb around their bodies and to personally denote themselves? What goes through their mind at these last moments? What motivated them? One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. I think it is important to remember this fact, at least for myself, i think it is. I find it morally difficult to take any stand. I do not know if I should say who or what is right or wrong anymore...the world is just not simple as that. But then what if these bombings were to hit close to home? to someone that I know? I find it so draining just to try and figure out what it is I should really feel and think of these issues without being patronising, an armchair critic or a hypocrite? How also do we develop fair views given that our constant supply of news come mostly with a Western slant?
go read the article, will be nice to know ur views...though I cant put it up here for copyright reasons.
the MRT ride
today, I got off work at nearing the peak hours, lagging my bag and a very big and heavy laptop, I squeezed admist the working crowd , trying to claim a little piece of standing space in the MRT carriage. It is so interesting to watch the people in the train, coming from every different part of our society and being placed in the microcosm of a MRT train carriage. Everyone with their own life purpose and their own reasons why at this particular moment in life, we are in the MRT train.
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