Saturday, June 04, 2005

Royally Sloshed

The bane of being newly engaged.
You get accquainted with things with weird names like Flaming Lamborghini, Mojito, Sex on the Beach....... and the WATERFALL.

Waterfalls are BAAAAAD, but
A dash of Mojito to boot makes it doublly so.
Good friends are a godsend,
and puking is HORRRIIIID...... especially if you happen to go at it all night......oh but the bliss of not having a hangover.....
The fear of having your head fall off your neck and start rolling around the floor- that is one experience i will never forget, and having the toilet bowl, the sink, and every wall and couch along the way as your best friend..... well, THAT won't happen again either.

No more Waterfalls for me!!!!!!

1 comment:

J said...

aptly put =)