Sunday, September 16, 2007

wan bdae

Unique menu ...
Chocolate pasta, laksa leave pasta, balsamic vinegar cake, hibiscus cake
Splendid company ...
Gis, Wan, Ed, Gek, Winnie and Jun and lots of laughter

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Word

***Attention all prudes: If you are allergic to vulgar language and blush at the slightest hint of vulgarity, please do not read on. The following post might be hazardous to your health. ***

The word “fuck” has many meanings. It could mean
a) to have sex, Like “ Do u wanna fuck me?”
b) mess things up, “ Oh shit, I totally fucked it up”
c) used to replace the word “very”, “ All men are fucking bastards!” ( a statement which some women attest to be very true by the way)
d) to back off in an argument , or to evacuate one’s physical body from the premises, or as the british say “ piss off!” . A shining example would be the wife saying to her husband’s mistress: “Fuck off! This is my man!”
e) To curse someone, Imagine Jen Aniston saying this to Angelina Jolie, “ Fuck you for stealing my Brad!”
f) To convey shock and horror. An apt example would be when a heterosexual guy thinks he landed a one night stand with a hot chick and wakes up next to a man the next day “ What the fuck? “ , he would exclaim in horror.
g) Or it could just be used in just about any situation at all, to convey vehemence and passion about the situation like “ How the fuck did Bush become the US president?” or “ Where the fuck did Donald Trump get his haircut from?” or to quote Mr Big from Sex and the City “Abso-fucking-lutely”

So, fuck is a multi-purpose word, a word used often by those with limited vocabulary, the lazy and those with mouths as dirty as the toilet bowl.

It just brings to mind how weird it is that the English language, which has influences from languages all over the world, only has about one proper swear word when the hokkien dialect, a dialect of the Chinese language possesses more than half a dozen swear words, carrying the same meaning as “fuck”.
I suppose this would mean that the hokkien people have more fun swearing than people who have less swear words in their languages, due to the wide array of swear words they can pick and choose from.

Perhaps I will leave this thought for all to ponder on today and before I sign out I will leave you all with one last merry filthy shout out: “ KANEENACHOWCHEEBYESIMILANJIAONABEI!”

My fucking sincere apologies for fucking up the chastity of this site by posting the most fuck-a-licious post in the fucking history of this fucking kick ass blog.