Sunday, August 05, 2007

Witch of Portebello

It's been a while since I wrote anything. It't been just photo-essays amidst crazy work schedules.

Today, on this fine Sunday afternoon, while listening to my recently amassed F.I.R collection of MP3, I thought I would share a little of the latest book I have conquered - Witch of Portebello.

Like Paulo's usual works, this is yet another inspirational piece. While the past few pieces which I read of late, like the The Valkyries, By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept , Eleven Minutes, were mainly about chasing your dreams and taking risks which really got me to thinking what is it I want for my life.

In Witch of Portebello, there is a something that I find quite true, though that might not be the central theme of the book. That is that people are constantly busy or finding that they need busyness to make them feel useful, to fill in the blanks. So they work and busy themselves, striving to retire at 50 and travel the world. Yet, when one has finally earned enough to do so, he might not... simply for fear that he will stop contributing, stop being useful.

In the book, there's also this part about trying to get people to be different, to do something that they really want to do instead of doing what the society/family thinks is appropriate. I believe this is the way that we can fill in the gaps and blanks that might exist because now life has a meaning.

And now I find that I can better understand what you mean if anyone says " I believe in a god but I don't go to a church" ...perhaps it's like what's reflected by one of the gypsies in the story. ..
"My temple is in the park, the sky, the water in the lake and the stream that feeds it. My people are those who shares in my ideas and not those I'm bound to by bonds of blood. My ritual is being with those people and celebrating everything around me"

And I feel I want to dedicate this to all of us here...

"Believe, believe in your abilities; believe that you have already arrived where you wanted to arrive. Faith is not desire. Faith is Will. Desires are things that need to be satisfied, whereas Will is a force. Will changes the space around us. But for that, you also need Desire. "

For that daily does of inspiration, perhaps you can also visit this site which I just discovered.