3.如果她做錯了事,心裏已經很難過,請主動承擔起你應該甚至不應該承擔的責任 。
21.看她的眼神無比專注 。
22.說話的語氣情深意長 。
27.就算再忙,每天都不忘打一個問候的電話 。
39. 在她心情遭透,蠻橫發脾氣的時候,抱抱她,而不是和她理論。
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Sunday, June 18, 2006
45 things you do for your boy

2. Don't stare at other guys on the street for more than 5 seconds nor smile at them. Cute soccer players on TV are excused.
3. If he makes a mistake, tell him about it instead of leaving him guessing . (As we all know we will get angry if he guesses wrongly.)
4. Listen to him and "give him face" when in the company of friends.
5. Let me know that it's okie if you bully him, cox you are the only one who will mean him no real harm, and you are really trying to get his attention.
6. Show concern if he appears sad/troubled. But if he says he's fine, let him be. (He'll tell you when it's time). In the meanwhile, be specially sweet and attentive.
7. Keep his photo in your wallet, friendster, msn and everywhere visible.
It's a sign of adoring love (and also you are taken).
8.Don't leave him alone for more than 3 days. If he's sick, don't leave him alone for than 3 hours.
9. Be caring and sweet in the presence of his friends. Make him proud.
10. Allow him to show his chauvinistic side once in a while ( that can be really macho.)
11. Be gentle yet strong.
12. Be independent yet responsible (at least let him know when you are coming back at 3am.)
13. Make decisions when he leaves it up to you. (like where to eat and so forth.)
14. Tell him you love him.
15. Never kick up a fuss in public.
16. If in the wrong, do apologise. You'll be forgiven.
17. Try...try very hard to say what you mean. I.e. if you want him to call, at least avoid saying "Leave me alone."
18. Give him space to be with his friends. But remind him that you're the priority if he has to choose.
19. Learn to appreciate things he likes however alien it may sound - foreign movies, soccer , IT . . .
20. Date him.
21. Give him wholehearted attention when speaking to him, in person or over the phone.
22. Always speak to him in an adoringly fashion.
23. Never speak of your ex-boyfriends or other guys in a way that would make them appear more superior than him.
24. If other guys make their advances, you must hold his hand if he's with you. If he's not around, rule is to keep your distance.
25. Wait for him to hold your hand and help you cross the road safely.
26. Treasure every second with him.
27. However busy, give him a call at least once a day to show him you are thinking of him.
28. If you need to talk, but he is busy, go talk to your girl friends, blog or something.
29. If he has had a bad day, try not to bog him down with details of yours as well. After all, he's always the one who listens to your problems and gives you advice.
30. You might not know how to advise him when he tells you his problems but do your part to make his life easier by lessening your usual demands.
31. Love him.
32. Trust him.
33. Be faithful.
34. Praise him when he has done right things. Positive reinforcement.
35. Don't stop maintaining your appearance.
36. Don't smoke.
37. Don't take him for granted.
38. Don't fight and be angry with him for over 1 day and don't fight more than once a month.
39. Don't put on too much weight else it's difficult to ask him to carry you when your heels are hurting.
40. Try not to avoid more than 10 missed calls a day.
41. Buy something for him when you are on a shopping spree (and you've already bought 5 things for yourself).
42. Avoid comparing his shortcomings with your friend's boyfriends and highlight his strengths as often as possible.
43. Though you are always right, let him win once in a while.
44. Help him score points in front of your parents.
45. Always remember that he loves you.
So what do you think ladies?
Saturday, June 17, 2006
White Roses

Since young, I've always find it a challenge understanding why a wake needs to be held. Having grown up in a HDB environment, thereby having a fair exposure to chinese wakes only intensifies the mystery.
I can certainly recall my sentiments after a certain English/Literature lesson involving poems about death and such. I recalled telling myself and my peers that next time when it comes to my turn, regardless of my religion, please allow me to go in peace and spare me the priests and the chants, the smoke and the incense. Just give me some light jazz and white roses ...that should suffice.
As I grow up, I do hear a few varying suggestions. A funeral is not so much for the dead but for the living. To a certain extent I can imagine, the fact that your friends are there to give you the support. Still, to me, that can happen anywhere, not necessary at a wake.
So my conclusion is that a wake has to be for the dead.
But what good does it make when friends come to pay their last respects after they see the obitruary? Doesn't it make more sense if the obitruary comes on when you are still around, saying something like " To you my dear friends, I might be gone in a while. Unlike the normal obitruary, I would invite you to visit me when I am still around. Would be nice. Hope to see you. "
Think it would be hard for me to tell my parents that this is my game plan. Far too morbid and taboo I think. So thought I would share it here on the blog. At least there's some documentation of my wishes in future. However, pls do not be alarmed, this certainly does not constitute any suicidal inclination of such. Just wanted to be a control freak as per normal.
But seriously, the typical wake is too much hassle, too much noise...think going in peace should be taken literally in this sense.
So no mahjong and no big crowds, no hanging blankets and no noise please. Just give me my white roses and my favourite old school jazz. Even if a wake need to take place, pray put all my nicest pictures like an exhibition so I can be remembered in my finest moments and not that ugly IC photo yeah.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Happy Birthday Girl!!
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