Wednesday, February 22, 2006

tiredness and that a normal way to live our youth?

Balance is such an evasive concept, it is extremely delicate and totally subjective.

I thought hard work was an Asian concept *take this statement with a pinch of salt* but well here too in welfare states Contiental Europe, they do about the same to you. We are being worked like dogs literally, one assignment after another... intially i was overwhelmed and went to class looking like the perfect version of living zombie. Complaining was like the favourite past time of my classmates. But really how does that help??? It just piles on the negativity.
Instead of having work control me, I am gonna take control of work itself. It is a matter of attitude and good time management plus setting priorities right.

Monday, February 20, 2006

It's me

Think I might have disappeared for far too long..hence, I'm back again.

Work's getting busier and busier and things just keep multiplying like nobody's business. But guess it's fulfilling when you know you are kinda of like making a difference.

Anyway, as work exerts its toil, it also suggests that one day I might lose my love to a girl who has time to go back to prepare dinner and perhaps most of my friends cox I cannot attend most of the gatherings or appear too tired when I do manage to attend. Some say absence makes the heart grow fonder. In this case, does it apply?

And when does one draw the line between work and play?

Anyway, just some mindless rattle for the fried brain.

See you soon my dear friends.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Greetings from outer space

hey gals,

quick hi to all before I rush off to school, kinda felt the immense need to make my virtual presence.

Happy Valentine to all...but actually the more important thing about this day is that it is the birthday of one of my very good friend. That is the true meaning of 14th Feb to me

and to miss sha sha
Happy Birthday

and to miss fishy
i got ur sms , sorry I have not made the effort to contact you. Believe me it is crazy here, my days are spent doing real meaningful stuff like assignments and preparing for presentations.

Before i toddle down to school, enjoy ur holiday plans...i am envious and seriously craving for spring, summer and beach fun.

Miss u all!

Monday, February 13, 2006


Tomorrow I may make a life changing decision - well, it will at least change the next year of my life. If I decide one way, weekends may no longer exist. I may start being on call 24/7. And I may not be able to get time off for our precious trip...Will you guys blame me?

Seriously I don't know whether the job satisfaction will be there although the work is interesting.... heck, half the time I am too pumped up to realize anything else. And the stress is like I have never come across before.

I am not sure whether I will be strong enough for it seriously. It's one of those times when you choose whether or not to put yourself in a do-or-die situation, or opt for the relatively unknown.

I must like the work, I'm told. But I don't know whether the interest is fleeting. One week of it and I am panting from exertion. What if one year of it takes 10 years off my life?? Should I take the leap?

Strings and Serenades

That is the theme of the Corrine May concert I went for today.

And throughout the concert.. I had the distinct realization that perhaps there is some truth in what ppl say about how music is food for the soul... and her songs have an especially strong effect in that direction. Maybe it's coz her songs are all so hopeful, marvelling at the wonders of the world we live in, and how there is always something good to hang on to when everything looks bleak.

Used to think that her music all sounds kinda the same... hahaha and to a certain extent i still do... but at least now perhaps I appreciate them more.

And with that the weekend just flew by. Was supposed to do some work tonight but I just can't bring myself to. Decided to leave work to weekdays....

Fishy do you know I was quite impressed by what you are setting out to achieve for yourself this year? I wish you luck!!!

I wish I had the same drive. But not at the moment.... I am still feeling my way around my job... but I guess it is normal since I have only had 3 months' worth of working experience.... Listening to Corrine May's "Fly Away" reminded me of a long ago wish to work abroad for a while... we'll see.

And lastly, the question I asked Damselfish on Sat night was whether she found guys who have been out of Singapore for some time more interesting, generally...... hehehehe ;0

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Talk to God online. Confession made easy heh.

Friday, February 03, 2006

The age of Innocence

Excerpts from the day of playing barbie dolls with my 6 year old niece

Niece(holidng up barbie and speaking in shrilly voice): Ladies and Gentlemen, let's play a game now.

Me(in bimbotic voice of blonde barbie): oh yeah! lets!

Niece(in same shrilly voice): Are you ready everyone? The game's called: "Let's strip naked and pass motion!"

Me: ????!!!!

In another instance,

Me(combing barbie's hair): Let me tidy up your hair now, u little thing.

Niece(in barbie's voice): Hey u, stop messing up my funky hairdo!

Since when do 6 year olds spout words like "funky"?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

my executive condo

My company's hiring so aggressively that we have to move again! Apart from that, we have to change furniture this time round as our existing ones are taking up too much space, thus they are going to give us smaller cubicles..yucks!!! sooner or later we are going to be packed like sardines and the worst thing is that, i'm going to lose my window seat!! :( so sad.... sad for me, sad for my little green lucky plant... and there goes my "EC" and I have been downgraded to a "HDB"... low morale