Hi Gals, it was great meeting up last night, feel so good to sit around and utter nonsense with Fishy and Shashimi, and having promised Fishy that I will log on, and here I'm :)
My dear FNC, it's good to know that you are doing quite well over there... dun ever worry about about things going exceptionally well for you my dear, it's a bit silly. What you should do is to thank God that he's giving all these to you! Make sure that you enjoy every moment of it, dun ever let there be a situation where you look back and realise that how silly is it of you to not immerse into it and waste time away by worrying about it. Look at it this way dear, you have been kind, like I always say about you, so angels in Rotterdam are giving you a small reward... and the expiry date of this is in a year's time so make sure you maximise every minute of it, understand? :)
Honestly, it somehow surprise me - you and Chern, how things turns out to be... but anyway, i feel glad for you, he's slowly winning my trust... and I hope that you will not be offended if I confess to you that I thought initially that he's just out here to have some temporary love and fun ...:p, sorry dear, but now, I'm just glad for you... enjoy all you can when he's there and write to us about it ya?!
As for myself... I just had this big oral exams on 15th Nov (gosh, it was like so long ago)... so, I was so stressed out the week befoe that ... coz the panel of judges for this exams are basically senior management flew in from Hong Kong... and it comprises of 2 parts; a) Product presentation and b) Client meeting - of course I spent the week before this preparing for it, and competitive and selfish people ard me doesn't help much .. sigh.. guess it's all on your own and no information sharing ... eee... but fortunately, my boss did help quite a bit. I'm pretty confident about the product presentation - it helps when one of the examiners actually comes up to you and say that you did a good job right ;p hee.. so, now it all depends on the results of the client meering, which was much more ticky, coz it's was a role play and the client turns out to be a very angry one - whose pissed of with the bank coz his investments are not performing and the bank sold off the fund house which he invested in and worst his previous Client Advisor passed away! hahah... he gave all of us some hell of a time! aniway, results coming out next week - 3 weeks after the exams coz they have to seek approval from Zurich and so, that will definitely call for some celebration for me and Puffy as well, once she's done with her papers! yeah! And oh, did I mention that I will get a pay raise if I pass?!?!?! hahah!
Basically, this has been an OFFSITE period, tha bank pays for all these leisure trips - have been to Chiang Mai and Hong Kong on 2 consecutive weekends thus, was telling Fishy that's why I'm totally out of the blogging scene...travelling was fun, and you wouldn't believe how much stuff I bought from HK especially! Guess it pretty much stand up tp it's name as a food and shopping paradise... eeee... I'm being so Bimbo here... gosh! Aniway, I have plans of visiting FNC in Rotterdam or going away to NY with Fishy next year in March once both of us gets our bonus... meanwhile, it's countdown to the day! cheers!
Take care all my pretty ladies ... and i love you all!