Thursday, March 31, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Dun label a colleague as a friend too early
There are always inevitably some people in the office who's favorite phrase is " I'm busy". They seldom wear a smile on their faces, and even if they do, it's always to the bosses. When u talk to them, their voice always sound gloomy and monotonous but once the boss steps in, you can almost mistake the "good morning!" as a chirp from a cheery yellow bird. And I have one such bird, or you can call a peahen in my office... and worst of all, we work for the same boss - my mentor =(
Initially when we started, the peahen was actually very friendly towards me, to a certain point that I even announced that we could become official lunch Ka-kees. Oh boy was I wrong! Still, I think I haven't master the art of treating colleagues as pure colleagues and not friends which I can confide into. The day my boss announce that we should work together is the day things started to take a different direction. It becomes apparent that she's quite a domineering person and often or not, she will "instruct" me to do certain tasks, when in the 1st place, "where's the working together part???". If it's not her commanding tone (as I'm a person who's quite particular about courtesy) - Peahen:" Huini, can you go and photocopy this and after that deliver the doc to the recep coz I missed the cutoff time" - then it must be the task which she "needs" my help - photocopying, fetching doc, distributing letters, diaries, corporate gifts to my team mate, fetching airline tickets - hey, does she thinks that I'm a temp girl or something?!
According to the law of physics, too much force exerted will eventually leads to increased tension (ha-ha.. I'm not so good with physics) but whatever. The day came when Volcano Winnie finally erupted - and this time was because miss Peahen requested help to distribute corp. gifts to each individual CAs. okie, as usual, I find it hard to say no to people - so with a nice black pencil skirt and 2 inch heels, I found myself cutting up 12 big carton boxes, counting the "stocks" and packing them into individual portions according to what each CA ordered. Boy, I regretted not training my biceps for this! And to make matters worse, I cut my palm with the pen knife and my freshly painted manicure all ruined. So, I decided that it's time we work together, and I ask miss Peahen if she could just distribute the boxes herself. "ok, coming" then she stride towards me, pulled 2 boxes away and after which went back to her seat and worked as if nothing has happened - so, I stood there in a moment of shock with the remaining 8 carton boxes. Eager to get it over and done with, I distributed them then I went up to Peahen but before I can speak, she requested for another admin help again! Another male colleague who just happened to pass mistook that she was instructing him, then he clarified and to my horror miss Peahen actually said " Oh John, how can I be bullying you by asking you to do this, I can only bully the xiao mei (little girl in mandarin) and as you have guessed, my nick in the office is non other than "Xiao Mei".
Sitting at my seat, I felt so bullied. And yet I have came across any tactics to counter attacks from a bitchy Peahen. However, there's a voice on my head that say if you swallow this, she will triumph coz she knows she can ride over you like this in the future and you'll never breathe a word. So, after battling with myself for 30 minutes, I decided to tell her nicely over the phone. I dialed her extension, and the greeting I heard was "Yes, what is it? I'm busy." Disgusting@! "No, S*a***, I need to talk to you, very briefly but it's important." "Now?!, ok ." "About the thing just now, I felt that it's not very appropriate of you to say that you can bully the Xiao mei and I'm not very please about this. I can help you, but it's out of consideration and not obligation." "Ok, I know now and I will not ask that of you in the future". .......................... Did i did the right thing? I don't know, but I'm certain that I'm not someone to be bullied by a Peahen!. A sense of rightness overcame me as I matched across the walkway of Suntec Boulevard.
As expected, relationship turned downhill. A naive me thought that all she needs is some cooling time and things will be fine... urmm wrong again. It has been confirmed that flower of friendship has withered , or maybe it doesn't exist in the first place. I smiled at her, no response, no look at me in the eye anymore and minimal small talk - reduced to none now ... Gone are the good old days when we chatted over lunch about family, career, unhappiness etc... reflecting upon this, maybe i did most of the talking, realized that I actually don't really know her that well at all.
Till date, our relationship hasn't improve at all, and the future doesn't seem bright. I dun understand why it still affects me to see her attitude towards me like that, maybe coz I labeled her as a friend too early.
Gotta go, coz miss Peahen requested me to help to fetch an urgent mail from the receptionist now...
Come enlightening comments might help this poor dolphin here =)
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
" please..please don't die.what would my world be, if I ain't got you baby..." Perhaps it was the toxic odour of soggy nose hair or the sheer impact of the blow, Johnny sank into a coma. The girl was devestated. What if he would never wake? Perhaps she should kill herself. Yes, she would do it by swallowing the same deadly strand of hair that robbed her of the rare chance to be up close and personal with Johnny...
Johnny looked at her and felt a wave of sympathy washed over him. The angel in him urged him to walk over and give her a hug, but the stranger in him held in back. After all, who was he to console her? He was the most handsome man on Earth; he had no idea what it felt like to be ugly. Consolation from him would hinge on arrogance and insensitivity.
As she looked up, her eyes were brimming with tears. He had never seen eyes as big and beautiful as hers. They were as large as durians and he loved durians.
Overwhelmed, he rushed over to her, wanting to hold her tight in his arms. Unfortunately, another gust of wind blew, lifted the soggy nose hair high in the air, and knocked Johnny senseless.
As he drifted into unconsciousness...
Monday, March 28, 2005
"Come to me, my child" it whispered.
Filled with stupid bravado, she did. She crept closer to the unearthly being.
"Show yourself. Whoever u are. I'm not afraid of you!" She tossed her head haughtily and swung her nose hair towards the creature.
"Ewwww. You're pretty gross for a little girl. " The creature said. And then, it unveiled itself.
The little girl's eyes grew as big as two durian seeds. She couldn't belive it.
Johnny depp was standing right in front of her.
She smiled to herself. People often called her the crazy one, and her mum told her she lost her a screw as a kid. But she knew better than anyone else, that the voice belonged to her guardian angel. She was filled with optimism and she began to sob heavily.
Mucus started running down her nose, and her nose hair congulated into a lump of soggy mess. She panicked. She tried to blow her nose profusely but the harder she tried, the more air she blew out of her nostrils, and the mucus hardened even faster.
She couldnt breathe. Was she going to die as the girl with long nose hair who cried herself to death???!!!! Crikey!!!
An afternoon of blog reading
Well, perhaps besides the preserving of memories, another benefit of the idea of a blog is that it gives you a glimpse of how well or how little you know the person. If it's the latter, the awareness allows you to try be a better friend. What do you think?
Anyway, 2 of the entries that I would like to immortalise
13 July 2003 (my fren's 21st birthday)
Shujun was the first to reach on Wednesday. We were supposed to go suntanning but I wanted to finish my Mac hotcakes, hence, in the end, we only reached the pool at 12pm. I was reminded of the crazy times we shared, particularly after an hour of tanning (or should I say roasting?!) at mid-noon. I remembered how we used to run to & fro Coronation Plaza for lunch during our 1hour break, how we spent an afternoon roaming through Katong & Geylang looking for nice eateries, how we flew down to Little India at late night (after training!) to look for Saris, how we bought a tub of ice cream from NTUC and sat at Hwa Chong canteen stuffing ourselves with calories; Yes, we finished every bit of it by ourselves!
31 Dec 2003 (Countdown party at Sentosa, think we went with 2 other friends, one of which was an acquaintance I havent met since sec sch, it's a small world so don't do bad things...ha)
Surprisingly, a number of people are considering to go Sentosa. Uh well.. I went last year. It was so sucky. Really bad. Even though my company of friends were great!! Music was so soft, so slow. There were fathers & mothers with kids?! It's was so family-like. Jene and I were ultra disappointed that night. It was a far cry from the Sentosa beach party we attended in 1999.. hee.. That was the only time we danced till sunrise. And it was such a cold morning too. We were shivering from head to toes by the time we were on our way home. *shivers*
Lastly, I saw this story - Heart wrenching I say.
Tree and squirrel
An old man returned to his childhood home.
He saw the old apple tree, standing frail by the house.
There were no apples. The tree had dried up, long ago.
The tree had no nutrients, that would make it grow, make it flourish.
When it was a fresh, young tree, it made a lot of friends.
Birds flocked to the tree and sang to the tree.
Many little creatures liked to gather round the tree.
Of them all, the tree loved the little squirrel the most.
The little squirrel lived in the tree.
It loved the tree too and took care of the tree.
It removed any weeds clinging onto the trunks.
The tree gave the squirrel lots of apples.
In spring, the squirrel brushed the snow off its leaves.
When summer came, the tree helped the squirrel to climb to its top and enjoyed the breeze.
As autumn falls, the tree & squirrel played games.
In winter, the tree protected the squirrel from the cold.
When the tree grew older, it was proud.
It was proud of its strong big branches, proud of its beautiful fan.
The tree started asking Mr. Rain to come more often.
It wanted to grow bigger and stronger.
The squirrel disliked Mr. Rain.
When rain came, it could not play and find nuts to eat.
It asked Tree not to invite Mr. Rain all the time.
When rain came, squirrel and Tree could not play together.
Tree said, “I want to grow bigger & stronger,
I want to give you a better home,
I want to give you a better view,
I want to give you more apples.”
The squirrel accepted the Tree’s words.
But it rained all day.
It rained so often.
It was so cold & miserable.
The rain was so heavy that Tree didn’t hear squirrel’s pleas
That the squirrel’s home was no longer warm, but wet & damp
That the squirrel could not sit on the tree top anymore
That the squirrel could not pluck apples to eat
All day long, the rain showered the tree
Amidst the thunderstorm
The rain hollered, the tree forgot
Neither could hear the little squirrel
Who cried of hunger and loneliness
And died of sadness with tears in its little eyes
While I was sleeping.... (or rather trying to sleep)
1) The buzz and bite of a mosquito
I'm not sure if I am accurate in my understanding of the insect kingdom but I swear I have on more than one occasions heard the buzzing of a mosquito near my ear. This usually occurs on rainy nights and I usually wake after I got bitten all over. And in the process of flipping and turning and burying myself under the blanket, I would then hear the most scary and disgusting buzz near my ear. Yeah, I heard it last night.
2) Yoda purring loudly before the sun is up
He usually only does that when it's around 7 am cox that's his feeding time. However, sometimes it does seem like his biological clock fails him too and this will be the times when he would purr and whine and wake a very pissed me. And he did it last night.
Also, my hands are aching all over from our outing at the driving range yesterday. It was quite a fun experience though for the most part of it, I was handling the club like a softball bat and scaring Fishy (sitting behind me) with my flimsy wrist.
Game !!!
She refused to believe that this will never end so she....
There was a girl who lived in a little island called Neversayneverland. One day she woke up and found that her nose hair had grown till it reached her feet. Greatly distraughted, she sobbed and tried to cut it off with a scissors. Alas! The hair was too strong and the scissors broke into pieces. Next she tried yanking it out by stepping on it. She was about to jump on her hair when....
Please continue...
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Okie I'm a BM [Blog Maniac], anw here's 21 Questions by 50 Cents for ya.
New York City!
You are now rapping...with 50 Cent
You gotta love it...
I just wanna chill and twist a lot
Catch suns in my 7-45
You drive me crazy shorty I
Need to see you and feel you next to me
I provide everything you need and I
Like your smile I don't wanna see you cry
Got some questions that I got to ask and I
Hope you can come up with the answers babe
[Nate Dogg]
Girl...It's easy to love me now
Would you love me if I was down and out?
Would you still have love for me?
Girl...It's easy to love me now
Would you love me if I was down and out?
Would you still have love for me?
[50 Cent]
If I feel off tomorrow would you still love me?
If I didn't smell so good would you still hug me?
If I got locked up and sentenced to a quarter century,
Could I count on you to be there to support me mentally?
If I went back to a hoopty from a Benz, would you poof and disappear like
some of my friends?
If I was hit and I was hurt would you be by my side?
If it was time to put in work would you be down to ride?
I'd get out and peel a nigga cap and chill and drive
I'm asking questions to find out how you feel inside
If I ain't rap 'cause I flipped burgers at Burger King
would you be ashamed to tell your friends you feelin' me?
And in bed if I used to my tongue, would you like that?
If I wrote you a love letter would you write back?
Now we can have a lil' drink you know a nightcap
And we could go do what you like, I know you like that
[Nate Dogg]
Girl...It's easy to love me now
Would you love me if I was down and out?
Would you still have love for me?
Girl...It's easy to love me now (Woo!)
Would you love me if I was down and out?
Would you still have love for me?
[50 Cent]
Now would you leave me if you're father found out I was thuggin'?
Do you believe me when I tell you, you the one I'm loving?
Are you mad 'cause I'm asking you 21 questions?
Are you my soulmate? 'Cause if so, girl you a blessing
Do you trust me enough, to tell me your dreams?
I'm staring at ya' trying to figure how you got in them jeans
If I was down would you say things to make me smile?
I treat you how you want to be treated just teach me how
If I was with some other chick and someone happened to see?
And when you asked me about it I said it wasn't me
Would you believe me? Or up and leave me?
How deep is our bond if that's all it takes for you to be gone?
And always remember girl we make mistakes, to make it up I do whatever it take
I love you like a fat kid love cake
You know my style I say anything to make you smile
[Nate Dogg]
Girl...It's easy to love me now
Would you love me if I was down and out?
Would you still have love for me?
Girl...It's easy to love me now
Would you love me if I was down and out?
Would you still have love for me?
Could you love me in a Bentley?
Could you love me on a bus?
I'll ask 21 questions, and they all about us
Could you love me in a Bentley?
Could you love me on a bus?
I'll ask 21 questions, and they all about us
Friday, March 25, 2005
Diamonds are a girl's best friend! Sorry pals!
1) 1-caret-but-nice diam : {Love will keep us alive}
2) Way-less-than-1 caret diam: {Baby, sometimes love just ain't enough}
3) 8-caret-but-ultra-gaudy diam: {I've got bad taste but bloody lots of money}
So ladies, what's yours?
y do ppl blog? Is it cos they're lonely and they have no one to tell things to? Perhaps its to fufill one's innermost desire to be a celebrity of sorts, force feeding your thoughts and ideas to others on the world wide web.
Jus watched the swing girls the other day. It was funny, sweet and charmed away the splitting headache i had before the show. Who would think jap school girls and jazz would go so well together? Kawaiii!!!!
Mind is slow. Legs like lead. Distraction disrupts my stream of thought, resulting in the above jumbled prose.
Please ignore me. i'm sleep deprived. Zhou gong here I come!
Catch of the Day
Returned home not long ago to face my purring Yoda which wants its supper. Being the kind hearted mistress I am, I poured him some canned tuna. Another added motivation is that this helps stop his whining.
Anyway, Yoda has a fetish for bindered notes... he can't stop bitting at mine. And in order to deter him, I boxed him semi-gently. The more I boxed, the more he bit at my notes and this was quite infuriating. Then when I wasn't paying attention, he actually gave him a good bite on my hand. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Stupid vengeful cat! Cannot be trained and cannot be disciplined! Time to get a dog!
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Next to lobbying against this cruelty, the best thing we can & should do is to STOP buying these products
As much as I am tempted to pour out all my views now, there's no better way of sending the message across this way. If a picture indeed paints a thousand words, let this clip paint the words needed to make us converts.
Living next to a School
Perils of having a School as your Neighbour
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Sunday, March 20, 2005
hey damsel is jun, not selfish .. hee
Okie, I admit, I have been a late bloomer for this blogging thing and this is the first time I have read the blogs of the very famous/infamous xiaxue.
Quite entertaining reads IMHO.... though I recall chun din like her style =p
I was poring through the pages with my sis as we entertain each other with reading other blogs last night and tried to solve the riddles that xiaxue posted. I must say her blog is quite addictive cox that girl really puts so much effort into photoshopping images as well as posting pictures as visual aids for the most trivial of life's events. Also noted is her doses of sexual remarks which can be pretty funny sometimes....
For those who haven't heard of her, maybe you can go to the above link and lk out for "the classics" on the right hand page. My personal favourites:
The belated x-mas post, have u ever lost a fren through blogging,measuring penises and once upon a time.
Actually I came online to lament about how boring reading CFA is but ended up browsing through xiaxue's blog again. I'm not in love with her but I need to do something, anything so that I can procrastinating starting on my notes. See how I am penning this post now.
I was just thinking how nice it would be if Carrie has her own blog... Think I would be her number 1 fan! Anyone knows how to add music to this fish tank? A nice tune would be the theme song of SATC - Montuno.
Now I Know Why
Btw, anyone interested to go Cambodia in the first 2 weeks of May?
Oh, and I only know that Dolphin is Winnie and Selfish is Jun ;p
Who's everyone else?
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Lala Land
and babies crawl on roads untouched
where men are honest
and women sane
where angels soar
and satan's tame
OH my poem sounds so lame
i''d better stop before i'm caned!
So long my fello fishies frens
try not to get eaten while i'm gone
Thursday, March 17, 2005
If ur boy has an ex-gf whom he can't forget, can you handle that?
In the show, the heroine cannot accept that. She needs her love to be perfect, flawless. To her, this means that she's sharing someone she loves and sharing is not allowed in her perfect love world.
No sharing either for me. If she's dead, maybe it's not such a big deal. If she's alive, it's me or her. I am not the jealous sort but I need to know exactly where I stand, and an unforgetable ex is something I can neither handle nor wish to handle. Life is tricky enough without all these complex disturbances. What do you say ?